
  • 网络Zhao Wei;proximo
  1. 赵伟上次是什么时候拿的金牌?

    When was the last time they won the gold medal ?

  2. 赵伟教授现任纽约州伦斯勒理工学院理学院院长。

    Zhao is currently the Dean of the School of Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ( RPI ) .

  3. 赵伟强调说,他的公司有跟踪过那些发自中国境内的网络攻击,这些攻击从中国跳转到国外服务器之前就已经在中国境内停止了。

    Zhao stressed that even domestic cyber attacks that his company helped track down in China jumped to foreign servers before terminating in China .

  4. .北京首航节能科技公司海外销售部经理赵伟正在密切关注非洲能源市场。

    Zhao Wei , the Overseas Sales Manager of Shouhang Resources Saving Technology , is one of the keen watchers of the African energy market .

  5. 在综合分析相关文献的基础上,批判了以米什金为代表的危机导致美联储诞生的观点及批判吸收了赵伟等先生的见解。

    Based on relevant documents , the writer criticizes that US Federal Reserve came into being due to financial crisis , a view held by Frederic S.

  6. 赵伟说到,新出台的中国网络犯罪法律条款可以帮助治理日益增长的网络犯罪行为。

    Zhao , who uses the online handle " icbm ," said that new cybercrime laws in China could help the country go after the country 's increasingly brazen hackers .