
  • 网络Zhang Qiyun;Chang Chi-yun
  1. 第六章主要从文化信仰方面,阐释张其昀崇拜孙中山、追随蒋介石的根本原因。

    Chapter VI chiefly interpreted the cultural reason for Chang to worship Sun Yat-sen as well as follow Chiang Kai-shek .

  2. 张其昀(1901-1985)作为长期从事地理教育和地理研究的学者,在中国老一代学者中享有甚高的声誉。

    Zhang Qiyun ( 1901-1985 ), as a famous geographer and educator for a long time , have won a high reputation among geographers of the older generation .

  3. 张其昀是中国现代学术发展史上的一位重要人物,在历史学、地理学和教育等方面多有建树。

    Zhang Qi-yun is an important person in the process of contemporary Chinese academic developing , who made a great contribution in the scope of historiography , geography and education .

  4. 此外,张其昀在地理学、方志学、当代史研究等方面均成就斐然,论文主要出于篇幅结构上的考虑,而未将这些列为考察重点,故在著述整理部分予以适当呈现。

    In addition , Chang made remarkable achievements in Geography , Chorography , and Contemporary History and so on , which not the focus of paper , only be appropriately presented for structure .

  5. 张其昀经历了近代学术向现代学术的转型,并曾组织、领导大规模的学术活动,扮演过学术领导人这一在现代学术事业中越来越突出的角色。该章突出了张其昀的这一特殊角色。

    Chang experiencing the transformation from the traditional to the modern studies , had been organized large-scale academic activities , played the special role of academic leaders which becoming more and more prominent in the modern academic career , was highlighted in this chapter .