
  1. 阿里影业CEO张强透露,原始剧本已经由一些忠实粉丝审阅过了,小说读者也有权通过线上投票选演员。

    Zhang Qiang , CEO of Alibaba Pictures , reveals that the original script has been evaluated by some die-hard fans , and the novel 's readers will also have the right to select the cast through online votes .

  2. 蜻蜓FM的董事长张强表示,该平台拥有超过2亿用户,900万小时的有声节目和15000名签约主播。蜻蜓FM计划斥巨资打造一个品质高、多元化的在线音频平台,向用户提供像高晓松这样的节目。

    Qingting , with more than 200 million users , 9 million hours of online content and 15000 licensed broadcasters , plans to invest heavily to establish a platform with qualified and diversified online audio services , including productions like Gao 's show , said Zhang Qiang , Qingting 's chairman .

  3. 张强把水果从书包里拿了出来。

    Zhang Qiang took the fruit knife out of the bag .

  4. 地应力场研究与油气勘探&以张强凹陷为例

    Study the tectonic stress field and its applications in oil field

  5. 是里程碑还是舍身崖&关于张强《中国画学》丛书的访谈

    Milestone or Cliff & Interview on ZHANG Qiang 's Chinese Painting Serial

  6. 你会暗自怀疑自己不够有主张强吗?你的担心也许是有道理的。

    Do you have a sneaking suspicion that you 're not assertive enough ?

  7. 彰武地区中生代张强凹陷地热史研究

    Study on Geo thermal History in Mesozoic Era of ZQ Depression in Zhangwu Area

  8. 《狼图腾》是由中国电影集团公司副总裁张强牵头的。

    This project is spearheaded by Zhang Qiang , an executive of China Film Group .

  9. 第一次来拜访,我是摩托罗拉公司的张强。

    This is my first time here . I am Zhang Qiang from the Motorola Company .

  10. 嗨,张强。好几年不见了。过得怎么样?

    Hi , zhand qiang . haven 't seen you for years . how 's it going ?

  11. 张强说:我保证在大城市的每个校园中,像我这样的代理生意都好着呢。

    I guarantee you that on every campus in major cities , agents like me are in good company , said Zhang .

  12. 并参考张强和吴敏(2011)的研究,构建了本文对中国国内系统重要性银行的综合评价指标体系。

    And it referring to Zhang Qiang and Wu Min ( 2011 ) builds a comprehensive evaluation index system of systemically important banks in China .

  13. 张强认为新的人文话语的选择的关键是人文知识分子的主体性和思想的先锋性;

    Zhang Qiang maintains that what counts most in the new humane discourse is that humane intellectuals are the main body and their ideas are the vanguard .

  14. 由于零投资高回报的现实,学术黑市越来越有利可图。来自北京的大三学生张强(音译)说。

    With virtually no investment and huge profits , the academic black market is becoming more lucrative , said Zhang Qiang , a junior in a Beijing-based university .

  15. 应用沉积学和岩石学理论研究了张强凹陷火山岩油藏的储集空间及储层性质,详细分析了火山岩油藏的成藏控制因素,对张强凹陷的火山岩油藏有了较为系统、全面的认识。

    Application of sedimentology and petrology Zhang Qiang Depression theory of volcanic reservoir space and nature , a detailed analysis of the accumulation of volcanic reservoir control factors .

  16. 综合火山岩主要元素和稀土元素分析结果,确定了张强凹陷火山岩的岩石类型和火山岩形成的构造环境。

    Volcanic rocks of the main elements of a comprehensive analysis and rare earth elements identified Zhang Qiang Depression volcanic rocks formed by volcanic rock types and tectonic settings .

  17. 我们将创作最佳视觉效果,我们将花大预算请顶尖专业人员参与制作。张强在5月26日北京电影活动中说道。

    We 'll create the best visual effects and have a big budget to hire the top talents , said Zhang Qiang at a Beijing media event on May 26 .

  18. 张强让学生们与经济学专业毕业生李建(音译)这样的写手取得联系,客户需要提供论文的题目与推荐书单。

    Zhang connects students to writers like Li Jian , a graduate student in economics . The client needs to provide the title of the essay and the recommended reading list .