
  1. 解读张大力的油画作品,必须从历史的纵深中找寻。

    We must profoundly look into history to interpret Dali Zhang 's paintings .

  2. 冬日里的和煦阳光&与张大力对话

    Warm Sunshine in Winter & Dialogue With Zhang Dali

  3. 站在张大力的一幅幅画作面前,常常令人哑然失语。

    Standing in front of paintings of Dali Zhang , I lose my words .

  4. 张大力的油画,当然是一种东西合璧。

    Dali Zhang 's painting , of course , is a combination of Chinese and Western elements .

  5. 张大力选择这个题材进行绘画表达,也含有为他大哥辈越战士兵鸣不平之意!

    In choosing that as the subject of his work , Zhang Dali conveys his sympathetic feelings towards those brothers of older generation wronged by injustice .

  6. 张大力由越战老兵带出的话题,并不仅仅停留在老兵问题上,它有着更普遍的指向意义,和泛社会化问题。

    Have our people benefited through the reform as previously intended ? The problems unveiled by Zhang Dali 's works are socially universal , not limited to concerns for veterans .