
zhāng chí
  • relaxation;tension alternating with relaxation
张弛 [zhāng chí]
  • [tension alternating with relaxation] 一紧一松

  • 学习要张弛结合

张弛[zhāng chí]
  1. P系统的张弛现象

    Effect of Relaxation for P Systems

  2. 具张弛的P系统的Cauchy问题

    Cauchy problem of P - system with relaxation

  3. 对于由p个处理机模块和b根全局总线组成的分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统,提出处理效率(PE)的张弛迭代公式。

    A relaxation iterative formula is proposed for performance evaluation of distributed common memory multi-bus multiprocessor systems composed of p processor modules and b global buses .

  4. 半导体Ga(1-x)AlxAs/GaAsDH激光器张弛振荡效应的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Effect of the Relaxation Oscillation in Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_x As / GaAs Semiconductor DH Lasers

  5. 分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统性能评估的张弛法文电存贮器(MS)是X。


  6. 本文研究了双向负阻晶体管(BidirectionalNegativeResistanceTransistor,简称BNRT)在张弛振荡电路中的动态伏安特性。

    Experimental investigation was carried out for the dynamic I-V characteris-tics of the bidirectional negative resistance transistor ( BNRT ) in the relaxation oscillation circuit .

  7. 基于电流模施密特触发器的OTA-C张弛振荡器及其PSPICE仿真研究

    An OTA & C Relaxation Oscillator Based on the Current-Mode Schmitt Trigger and Its PSPICE Simulation

  8. 一种单电源低功耗OTA-C张弛振荡器

    A Single - Supply Low-Power OTA-C Relaxation Oscillator

  9. 提出了一种基于电流模式施密特触发器的CCCII±张弛振荡器。

    CCCII ± relaxation oscillator based on the current-mode Schmitt trigger is presented .

  10. DFB半导体激光器虽然呈现出比较良好的频率响应特性,但张弛振荡峰和老化现象的存在,限制了DFB激光器的广泛应用。

    Although the DFB-LD shows the relatively good frequency response characteristics , the presence of relaxation oscillation peak limits the wide application of DFB-LD .

  11. 采用张弛法数值求解静电势的泊松方程,得出垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)中N型和P型分布布拉格反射体(DBR)中一个周期单元的精确能带图。

    Poisson equation of the electrostatic potential has been solved by relaxation method to obtain the accurate band diagrams of a periodic pair of N-and P-type distributed Bragg reflectors ( DBR ) in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers ( VCSEL ) .

  12. 近年来随着DC-DC转换器,张弛振荡器,生物系统,机械系统中的冲击振子,功率变换器等实际系统中不连续行为的持续涌现,不连续系统的动力学逐渐引起了广泛关注。

    Because there are some practical systems show a discontinuous change behavior , such as the DC-DC converter , relaxation oscillator , impact oscillator mechanical systems , biological systems , Power converter and many others .

  13. 振荡器采用由迟滞比较器和恒流源充放电电路组成的张弛振荡器(设计频率为1MHZ,占空比为94%)。

    We designed a relaxation oscillator with1MHZ frequency and94 % duty cycle , which is composed of hysteresis comparator and charge and discharge circuit with constant current .

  14. 压缩张弛性(SR)与强、中、弱筋馒头总评分呈极显著正相关,决定系数分别为0.94、0.88和0.72,可作为馒头品质评价的有效指标。

    SR had significant and positive correlation with total score of northern style CSB made from flours with different gluten strength ( Fig.1 ), and determination coefficients were 0.94 , 0.88 and 0.72 , respectively . It is recommended as a major parameter in evaluating northern style CSB quality .

  15. 相对于传统的掺铒EDFA,它能同时减轻空间烧孔效应和张弛振荡在全光增益控制中的影响,并具有较好的增益平坦特性以及较低的噪声指数。

    Compared with the traditional EDFA with Er , this type of EDFA can decrease the influence that the spectral hole burning effects and relaxation-oscillations effects on the all-optical gain control , and it has better gain-flattened character and low noise figure than others .

  16. 互耦合张弛振荡器的同步尖角模型

    A " Synchronization Horn " Model for the Coupled Relaxation Oscillators

  17. 因此,利率的规定有恒定的张弛。

    Thus , the constant tension on setting the interest rates .

  18. 计算双电子原子基态能量的坐标张弛变分法

    Calculation of Ground-state Energy of Two-electron Atom by Elastic Coordinate Variational Method

  19. 微波管中离子张弛振荡的混沌现象

    The chaotic character of ion relaxation oscillation in microwave Tubes

  20. 基于张弛法的图像边界提取算法

    Study on Image Edge Detection Base on Strain-Loose Method

  21. 一类加保护的电子张弛振荡电路的行为特性

    Characteristics of an electronic relaxation oscillator with over-voltage protection

  22. 对角型拟线性双曲守恒律的张弛现象

    Effects of Relaxation for Diagonal Quasilinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

  23. 本文讨论的另一个系统是一个电子张弛电路。

    Another system investigated is an electronic relaxation oscillator .

  24. 基于虚拟仪器的充气式减振器性能仿真研究充气四极管张弛振荡器

    Performance Simulation-based on Virtual Instrument of Dual-tube Gas Charged Damper ; gas-tetrode relaxation oscillator

  25. 环甲关节运动与声带张弛的力学分析

    Mechanical analysis on the movement of cricothyroid joint and the tonicity of vocal cord

  26. 张弛振子中加周期序列标度常数的映象阶数不依赖性

    Order Independence of Period-Adding Sequences Scaling Constants for a Map from a Relaxation Oscillator

  27. 双向负阻晶体管张弛振荡器的研究

    A research on the relaxation oscillator with BNRT

  28. 对比上述具有过压保护功能的电子张弛振子,本系统的优点是可能探讨这些特征的量子对应。

    An advantage of the current system is the possibility for searching their quantum correspondences .

  29. 空气中小水滴和粒子的热张弛时间是非常短的。

    The thermal relaxation time of small drops and particles in air is quite short .

  30. 相变模型的张弛效应

    Effect of relaxation for the phase model