
  1. 在这个艺术过分强调制造的时代,艺术品更多地呈现出一种光鲜靓丽的外表,如此粗糙、笨拙、不唯美的形式反而使得张建华的作品引起了世人更多的关注。

    In a time when people pay too much attention to the delicacy of artistic productions , the roughness and clumsiness of Zhang 's sculptures are , on the contrary , more eye-catching .

  2. 张建华以自己的方式表达了对这个世界的悲悯之情,也让读到他的人们在日常的状态下多了一份对于底层人文和生命的关注。

    But Zhang Jianhua showed his sympathy for the world in his own way , and people who have ever come across his works would care a little more about those who live at the bottom of the society .