
  • 网络Invest in America;Invest In USA;Chinese Investment in the US
  1. 美国去年推出了一个名为“投资美国”(investinamerica)的计划,称美国仍对外国直接投资开放。

    The US last year launched an " invest in America " programme to argue that the US remained open to foreign direct investment .

  2. 我的意图简单明确:选择美国,投资美国,在美国创造就业。

    And my pitch was simple : Choose America . Invest in America . Create jobs in America .

  3. 日本投资者曾为投资美国高档酒店一掷千金。

    Japanese investors once paid top dollar for the most glamorous hotels in the United States .

  4. bairdprivateequity成立于芝加哥,旨在投资美国中小企业。

    Baird private equity was established in Chicago to invest in small and medium-sized companies in the US .

  5. (KKR最近与后者合作投资美国ColonialPipeline公司。)

    ( KKR recently teamed up with the latter to invest in Colonial Pipeline in the US . )

  6. 感受到华盛顿这股寒意的最新一宗中美交易,是中国公司清华紫光投资美国硬盘驱动生产商西部数据(WesternDigital)37.8亿美元的计划。

    The latest Chinese deal to feel the chill from Washington was a planned $ 3.78 billion investment by the Tsinghua Unisplendour Corporation of China in the American hard disk drive maker Western Digital .

  7. 联合睿康集团的控制人是夏建统(TonyXia),随着中国国内电影市场日趋繁荣,该公司成为新一个投资美国娱乐产业的中国投资者。

    The conglomerate controlled by Tony Xia is the latest Chinese investor to pour money into the US entertainment industry , as China 's domestic film market booms .

  8. 中国科技巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)正继续寻找新的增长来源,这一次,阿里巴巴斥资2.15亿美元投资美国社交聊天应用软件Tango。

    The Chinese tech giant is continuing its dash for new sources of growth , this time with a $ 215m investment in US chat app Tango .

  9. 他还表示,他所带领的风投公司安德森•霍洛维茨基金(AndreessenHorowitz)已经开始投资美国的硬件公司,比如相机制造商Lytro和耳机制造商Jawbone。

    He added that his venture capital firm , Andreessen Horowitz , has invested in U.S. hardware companies like lytro ( cameras ) and Jawbone ( speakers ) .

  10. 一位上周访问中国的美国资深银行家称,在黑石(Blackstone)股价下跌后,中国高层官员现在对于直接投资美国金融企业比较敏感。

    Top Chinese officials are now nervous about big direct investments in US financial companies following the fall in Blackstone 's share price , according to a senior US banker who was in China last week .

  11. “依法公正”处理一笔中国企业投资美国通讯设备商3Com的交易。此前,该交易引发了美国国家安全方面的担忧。

    " fair and legal " treatment of a Chinese investment in US communications equipment company3Com after the deal fell foul of national security concerns .

  12. 行业专家一致认为,虽然私募股权投资美国清洁技术公司的步伐今年预计会有所放缓,特别是在风投资本家看到太阳能企业Miasole亏本出售之后,但中国的情况可能刚好相反。

    Although private equity investment into clean technology companies in the U.S. is expected to slow this year , especially after venture capitalists saw solar company Miasole sold at a loss , the opposite is likely to happen in China , agreed industry experts .

  13. 欧洲人对投资美国铁路也极感兴趣。

    Europe also caught the excitement of investing in American railroads .

  14. 加拿大是投资美国市场的便利关口。

    Canada is a convenient spring-board for entry to the US market .

  15. 自那以后,中国的石油公司对投资美国资源一直持谨慎态度。

    Chinese oil companies have subsequently been cautious about investment in US resources .

  16. 他重申,在投资美国国债方面,中国是负责任的投资者。

    He reiterated that China will be a ' responsible investor ' in Treasurys .

  17. 我了解到有些中国人担心投资美国资产的安全。

    Ive read that some Chinese are concerned about the safety of your investments in American assets .

  18. 该基金将主要投资美国股票,刚刚在英国注册。

    The fund will invest primarily in US stocks and has just been registered in the UK .

  19. 这家部分国有的石油公司被指在投资美国德克萨斯州的一间炼油厂时算错了数字。

    The partially state-owned oil company stands accused of having miscalculated over an investment in a Texas refinery .

  20. 外管局在投资美国及其它国家的股票时,使用其在香港的一个子公司。

    Safe uses a Hong Kong subsidiary when investing in offshore equities in the US and other countries .

  21. 欧洲人更喜欢把钱投在欧洲,美国人更多地投资美国,以此类推。

    Europeans put more of their money into Europe , Americans put more into America and so on .

  22. 相比世界几乎其他所有资产,中国私人投资者可能更乐于投资美国实物资产。

    Its private investors are likely to prefer US real assets to almost anything else the world has to offer .

  23. 最近,你们行业中的一家大型中国企业表示,该公司投资美国企业将不会受到欢迎。

    Recently one of the big Chinese players in your field signalled that its investment in a US company would be unwelcome .

  24. 谢元说,有些中国投资者有意投资美国的自然资源、可替代能源和生物技术,尤其是在农业领域。

    Xie said some Chinese investors were interested in U.S.resources , alternative energy and biotechnology , especially in the area of agriculture .

  25. 因为有了北京新的办事处,我们可以进一步确保介绍中国商人到全世界市场,鼓励他们投资美国的生意。

    With our new Beijing office we are further able to introduce Chinese business owners to global markets , encouraging them to invest in US businesses .

  26. 我们应该欢迎中国投资美国公司,就像欢迎中国投资亿万美元购买美国国债一样。

    We should welcome China 's investment in American companies , just as we welcome the billions of dollars that China has invested in U.S. treasury bonds .

  27. 至于供应中断这一更高的风险,需要对应急储备进行新一轮投资美国已经着手这么做了。

    As for the higher risk of supply disruption , a new wave of investment is needed in emergency storage , a move the US has already embarked on .

  28. 但高额贸易盈余还意味着,中国将积累更多美元储备,因而将被迫把更多的储备用于投资美国国债市场。

    But a high trade surplus also means the Chinese will have accumulated even more dollars and will thus be faced with an even heavier commitment to the US Treasury bond market .

  29. 但是,经济学家们通过对比美国和中国的数据,已得出初步结论认为,北京方面今年已大幅放缓了投资美国国债的速度。

    But by contrasting US and Chinese data , economists have come to the tentative conclusion that Beijing has greatly slowed the pace of its investment in US government debt this year .

  30. 今年,陷入困境的西方银行出售了价值数十亿美元的中资银行股份,但一家以投资美国和墨西哥出名的西班牙银行却准备逆势而为。

    In a year when troubled western lenders sold billions of dollars of shares in Chinese banks , a Spanish bank better known for its US and Mexico investments is set to buck the trend .