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  1. 2010年上海世博会的中国国家馆是一个建筑杰作,而其数码艺术展示的宋代画家张择端(1085-1145)《清明上河图》的大幅再现是极其辉煌的。

    the Chinese pavilion of the Shanghai World Exposition in 2010 was an architectural masterpiece , while its techno-artistic display of the recreation of the scroll " Along the River during the Qingming Festival by " Zhang Zeduan ( 1085-1145 ) was simply brilliant .

  2. 此外,画家张择端的《清明上河图》描绘了汴京的风物,使近600人跃然纸上,成为中国绘画史上不朽的佳作。

    Still , the painter of the Northrn Song , Zhang Zeduan , described the flourishing Dongjing in his picture , Qinming ShangHeTu ( the Scene on the Pure Brightness Day ) . Accommodating more than 600 people in vistas , his picture was a treasure of arts in Chinese history .