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  1. 宋太宗勤奋学习、刻苦读书,将自己成功地塑造成为好学好文、重视文化的君主,促进了宋朝文化教育的繁荣发展。

    With his diligent work , Song Taizong made himself a knowledgeable monarch who put much emphasis on culture which stimulated the development and prosperity in culture and education of Song Dynasty .

  2. 建村有一千多年历史,南门五祠文化属于岭南祠堂文化的范畴,它是中华宋朝文化、近代西洋文化与近代岭南文化碰撞的结果。

    Built the village a thousand years of history , culture belongs to the South Gate South Temple shrine five cultural aspects , it is the Chinese Song Dynasty culture , modern Western culture and the result of the collision in Modern Culture .

  3. 宋代出现了一大批砥砺名节的士大夫,这是宋朝清官文化产生的一个标志。

    There are a great number of literati and officials in the Song dynasty who temper their noble qualities , which is the symbol of the existence of the upright official culture .

  4. 伴随着宋朝社会经济文化事业高度发展,特别是金石学的发展,在当时社会出现了文物保护意识的萌芽。

    The people began to protect the culture relics and historic sites , along with the high development of social economy and culture , especially the development of the study on Jingshi .

  5. 尽管宋朝的科技和文化在当时都是领先的,但宋朝的军事却不强大。

    While being one of the most technologically and culturally advanced people in the world at the time , the Song were not militarily powerful .