
Zhānɡ Hénɡ
  • Zhang Heng; famed scientist and writer
  1. 张衡地动仪与公元134年陇西地震

    Zhang heng ′ s seismometer and Longxi earthquake of 134 ad

  2. 张衡判断洛阳的西面发生了地震。

    Zhang Heng assessed thatthere was an earthquake west of luoyang .

  3. 第一章张衡创作新变表现。

    Chapter one the expression of the new change of the creation .

  4. 张衡是东汉中后期著名的文学家。

    Zhang Heng in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is well-known writer .

  5. 汉代的一个著名科学家张衡。

    Zhang Heng , a famous scientist in Han Dynasty .

  6. 中国的张衡在汉朝时发明了地动仪。

    China 's Zhang Heng invented the seismograph during the Han Dynasty .

  7. 张衡创作新变研究

    Research on the Innovation of Zhang Heng 's Creation

  8. 张衡与托勒密天文学思想的哲学基础之比较

    Comparison between the Philosophical Foundations of the Astronomic Thoughts of Zhang Heng and Ptolemy

  9. 张衡先生,您是东汉时期的一位科学家。制作年代在战国至东汉期间。

    Mr. Zhang Heng , you were a scientist during the Eastern Han Dynasty .

  10. 论张衡对汉魏文学传统的贡献

    On ZHANG Heng 's Contribution to the Literary Tradition of Han and Wei Dynasties

  11. 关于张衡的微星之数

    On the star number of Zhang Heng

  12. 张衡韵文创作研究

    Study on Zhangheng 's Creation of Verse

  13. 论道家哲学思想对张衡的影响

    The Influence of Taoist Philosophy on Zhangheng

  14. 在这之后不久,中国的大发明家张衡便发明出了另一个完全独立的里程表。

    It wasn 't long until another odometer was invented completely separately in ancient China .

  15. 请打电话622-6033给张衡。

    Please call Zhang Heng at622-6033 .

  16. 张衡的政治思想

    Zhang Heng 's Political Thoughts

  17. 张衡和地动仪

    Zhang Heng and the Seismograph

  18. 伽利略和张衡都发现要使人们相信他们的理论是正确的非常困难。

    Both Galileo and Zhang Heng found it difficult to make people believe that their theories were correct .

  19. 张衡发明的地动仪以青铜铸成,四周镶嵌以八条龙,龙头朝下。

    Heng 's creation was a heavy bronze vessel with nine dragons facing downward embedded into its outside .

  20. 张衡则以高超的工艺制造了“浑天仪”、“地动仪”等科学仪器,观察天象,感应地震。

    Zhang Heng invented seismography and the Armillary Sphere so as to observe the universe and perceive earthquake .

  21. 张衡在造物上做出如此非凡的成就,和他的造物思想是分不开的。

    Chang Heng got outstanding accomplishment on the creation , which could be not seperated with his thought .

  22. 张衡和伽利略都是公认的科学界先驱,是他们帮助我们更好地认识了世界。

    Both Zhang Heng and Galileo are known as scientific pioneers who helped us better understand the world .

  23. 在汉代乃至整个中国古代学术史上,张衡都具有重要的历史地位。

    And even entire academic history in the Han Dynasty in ancient China , Zhang Heng has important historical status .

  24. 公元132年张衡发明制造侯风地动仪是世界上第一台感知地震的仪器。

    This seismograph was invented by Zhang Heng in A.D.132 , as the world 's first instrument to sense earthquakes .

  25. 从张衡流传下来的诗歌作品来看,数量虽不多,但涉及多种诗体。

    Zhang Heng have been handed down from the works of poetry , not quantity , but involves a variety of poetry .

  26. 在自然科学方面,以张衡为代表的东汉学术界,有着很高的成就。

    In the field of natural science , represented by Zhang Heng , the academe of the Eastern Han made great achievements .

  27. 两汉的天人感应学说是张衡从事科学研究的指导思想,它直接影响着张衡的科研深度和研究方向。

    The theory of the interaction between Heaven and Man in Han Dynasty is the guiding ideology for Zhang Heng s scientific research .

  28. 张衡还是一位机械工程师,制造过能飞的“木雕”和能计算里程的“计里鼓车”。

    Zhang Heng was also a mechanical engineer . He ever made a flying " wood-en eagle " and a " mileage-counting drum-cart . "

  29. 张衡(78~139),字平子。东汉天文学家。历官郎中、太史令等。

    Zhang Heng ( 78 ~ 139 ) , whose courtesy name was Pingzi , was a famous astronomer in the Eastern Han Dynasty .

  30. 当时的人们不懂科学,以为地震是鬼神发怒。张衡认为地震是一种自然灾害,

    Contrary to the popular belief at that time , Zhang Heng maintained that earthquakes were not signs of Heaven 's anger but natural disasters .