
  1. 张馨心称,FAST是世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜,非常适合重复性射电暴的搜寻。

    FAST , the world 's largest single-dish radio telescope , has a certain edge in detecting repeated FRBs .

  2. 国家天文台助理工程师张馨心表示,FAST这次使用实时探测终端探测到的快速射电暴之前也曾探测到过。

    The FRB detected by FAST 's real-time detection terminal , however , is one that has been observed before , said Zhang Xinxin , an assistant engineer with the NAOC .

  3. 张馨心表示,目前探测到的快速射电暴太少,尚且难以得出任何结论。

    The number of enigmatic bursts detected so far is too small to draw any conclusions , Zhang said .