
wān qū
  • bend;curved;flex;curvature;flexural;bow;winding;warp;flexion;meandering;crooked;zigzag
弯曲 [wān qū]
  • [flexural;crooked;curved;meandering;winding;zigzag] 不直

  • 木材的抗弯曲强度

弯曲[wān qū]
  1. 那条小溪分成两股窄而弯曲的支流

    The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels .

  2. 富矿段主要产于断裂在走向和倾向上的波状弯曲处以及NW与NE向断裂交汇部位。

    High grade ore block often located in winding part of fault in strike and dip or intersection part of faults of NW and NE strike .

  3. 桥下的支柱开始弯曲。

    The supports under the bridge were starting to bend .

  4. 膝盖弯曲,背部挺直。

    Bend your knees , keeping your back straight .

  5. 她的腿弯曲的角度反常。

    Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle .

  6. 那些刀已经弯曲变形了。

    The knives were bent out of shape .

  7. 双腿适度分开站立,双膝稍稍弯曲。

    Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little

  8. 手臂弯曲。手臂上举。保持一下。伸展。

    Arms bend . Arms upward . Wait for it . Stretch .

  9. 抬起一只脚,弯曲脚趾,使脚尖朝下。

    Raise one foot , curl the toes and point the foot downwards

  10. 操作杆进一步弯曲,线轴发出刺耳的吱吱声。

    The rod bent double , the reel shrieked and ratcheted

  11. 她整个身体开始弯曲,搞得梯子倾侧起来。

    Her whole body began to buckle , unbalancing the ladder

  12. 钢制栅栏可以弯曲并能吸收冲击力。

    Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock .

  13. 你需要一个柔韧性好、能与你的颈椎弯曲弧度相吻合的枕头。

    You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck

  14. 脊柱弯曲使他痛苦不堪。

    He suffered from curvature of the spine .

  15. 走快时,你会发现手臂会自然弯曲,而且频率会更快。

    As you walk faster , you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly .

  16. 大多数金属丝一旦弯曲变形就无法恢复原状。

    Once most wires are bent out of shape , they don 't return to the original position .

  17. 她的脊柱弯曲了。

    Her spine curved

  18. 小心!这种塑料不能弯曲。

    Be careful ! This kind of plastic is inflexible .

  19. 将玻璃管加热,以能弯曲为度。

    Heat the glass tube to the point that it can bend .

  20. 书架搁板在书的重压下变弯曲了。

    The shelf sagged under the weight of the heavy books .

  21. 她的香烟冒出一缕弯曲的青烟。

    A curl of smoke rose from her cigarette .

  22. 树枝弯曲了,但没有折断。

    The branch bent but didn 't break .

  23. 铜为什么容易弯曲?

    Why does copper bend easily ?

  24. 这种塑料的主要特性之一是其可弯曲而不会断裂。

    One of the main attributes of this plastic is its ability to bend without breaking .

  25. 这是一条向里弯曲的曲线。

    This is an inward curve .

  26. 铜丝易弯曲。

    Copper wire is flexible .

  27. 在梁式补偿器中,其应力光图是由纯弯曲产生而被冻结在材料之中。

    In a beam type compensator a stress pattern produced by pure bending is frozen into the material .

  28. 每当光以新的速度进入一种材料时,它就会弯曲和散射。

    Every time light moves into a material with a new speed , it bends and scatters .

  29. 但透明物体不会吸收或散射光,至少吸收或散射的程度不高。光线可以在不弯曲或无障碍的情况下穿过它们。

    But a transparent object doesn 't absorb or scatter light , at least not very much , Light can pass through it without bending or stopping .

  30. 在接近40岁时,老鹰那短而尖的喙就会弯曲。

    When an eagle reaches near 40 , its short sharp beak becomes bent .