
tán cí
  • Tanci;storytelling to the accompaniment of stringed instruments;fiddle ballads in Chinese southern dialects
弹词 [tán cí]
  • [fiddle ballads in Chinese southern dialects] 流行于南方各省,集说、唱、弹于一体的一种曲艺形式,曲调、唱腔各异,用三弦伴奏,亦可加琵琶伴奏

弹词[tán cí]
  1. 中国女性文学叙事传统的建立&清代女作家弹词小说创作回眸

    Research on the Establishment of Narrative Tradition in Chinese Woman Literature

  2. 关于弹词的渊源流变,历来众说纷纭。

    Opinions vary about the origin and historical development of Tanci .

  3. 而其中女性弹词的崛起又成为一道独特的风景。

    Which women writers of rising is a unique landscape .

  4. 人文环境中的弹词音乐特征之体现美学语境下的音乐语言探微

    Study on the Musical Language in the aesthetics environment Musical and Quality

  5. 女性作家也开始登上文学舞台,在戏曲、弹词等领域放出光彩。

    Female writers began writing in areas such as drama .

  6. 晚清以来女弹词职业生涯的呈现及其意义

    Emergence and Significance of the Female Storytellers ' Career Since Late Qing Dynasty

  7. 苏州弹词与盘索里是由文学、音乐、表演这三者相互烘托、有机融合而成的综合艺术。

    Suzou Tanci and P'ansori are both a comprehensive art with literature , music and performance well combined .

  8. 弹词小说是盛行于中国明清时代的妇女文学,《再生缘》是其中的佼佼者。

    The " Tan Ci " novel is the female literature in late period of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China .

  9. 《廿一史弹词》与杨慎人生价值体系的自我调整

    " The story-telling of the history of 21 kingdoms " and the self-adjustment about Yang Shen 's value system of life

  10. 苏州评弹是评话和弹词流传到江南,与以苏州话为代表的吴方言结合的产物。

    Suzhou Pingtan , a combined term for Pinghua and Tanci is a flower in the art circles of Southern Yangtse River .

  11. 首先对弹词小说概念进行界定,阐述其来源并论述其内容和形式,达到对弹词和弹词小说的总体性的认识。

    Tanci first novel concept defined on the sources and on its content and form , to achieve the overall Tanci and Tanci novels of awareness .

  12. 清代书场弹词的特征、风格的形成及其最后衰落的命运都与其特定的表演方式、表演场所及生存环境有密切关系。

    There are close relationship between the form of the characters , style and the fate of the final decline and the special performance , the play environments and the living circumstances .

  13. 第一,研究其三层包孕之立体结构艺术,《三国志玉玺传》的整体结构规模宏大严谨,采取主线和隐线相结合的结构形式,显示出弹词艺人构思的巧妙和独具匠心。

    Its overall structure is of large-scale and rigorous , and taken the main line and the line of combining structure , showing the ingenious and originality of the storytelling artist conceived .

  14. 山塘街还被写进不少民间传说和文艺作品之中,苏州弹词《玉蜻蜓》、《三笑》、《白蛇传》就都写到它。

    Shan Tong Street , was also included in a lot of folklore and literary and artistic works , Suzhou storytelling ," Jade Dragonfly " and " three laugh ," and " White Snake " is written on it .