
  • 网络Cyclone Nargis;Severe tropical storm;STS
  1. 一次强热带风暴引发的阶段性强降水分析

    Analysis of a staged heavy precipitation caused by severe tropical storm

  2. 0308号强热带风暴天鹅路径和降水分析

    Analysis of Path and Precipitation of Severe Tropical Storm Koni

  3. 利用广州热带海洋气象研究所最近发展的热带有限区台风数值预报模式,对1991年登陆广东的9116号强热带风暴(Joel)进行了数值预报试验。

    Using a typhoon NWP model for limited tropical area recently up-dated by the institute , a prediction experiment is done with the strong tropical storm Joel ( 9116 ) which landed in Guangdong .

  4. 长江口防波堤在建造期间遭到了强热带风暴的袭击,致使一部分沉箱结构或沉入土中1~5m,或偏移初始位置20m。

    During constructing the guiding dike in Yangtze Estuary , some of the caisson structures were sinking into the soil for 1 ~ 5 m or sliding away about 20m from the original place , when a strong storm was attacking this area .

  5. 9403号强热带风暴水汽通量非对称研究

    A Study on the Asymmetric Water-vapour Flux of Tropical Cyclone 9403

  6. 青岛地区9216强热带风暴暴潮及其预报浅析

    Analyses of storm surge and forecast with NO.9216 STS in Qingdao

  7. 不过,美国总统布什说,美国对缅甸强热带风暴的救援将会继续。

    But President Bush said U.S. cyclone relief for Burma will continue .

  8. 登陆北上影响山东的9216号强热带风暴

    The Analysis of Severe Tropical Storm 9216 Causing Disaster in Shandong Province

  9. 200604强热带风暴碧利斯暴雨过程分析

    Analysis of " 200604 " strong tropical storm " BILIS " rainfall

  10. 这位人权事务高级专员谴责缅甸当局对“纳尔吉斯”强热带风暴造成的灾难无动于衷。

    The High Commissioner condemned Burma 's apathetic response to Cyclone Nargis .

  11. 伊泽德说,监狱的建筑受到强热带风暴的重创。

    Izard says the prison buildings have been hard hit by the storm .

  12. 9910号强热带风暴外围粤北暴雨成因分析

    An Analysis of Torrential Occurred on the Periphery of Severe Tropical Storm 9910

  13. 但是,他说,那里的医疗条件在纳尔吉斯强热带风暴过后变得更加糟糕。

    But , he adds , they got much worse after Cyclone Nargis .

  14. 据估计,“纳尔吉斯号”强热带风暴造成大约100万人无家可归。

    An estimated one million people have had their homes destroyed by Cyclone Nargis .

  15. 但是在伊洛瓦底江三角洲强热带风暴灾区,很少有儿童会去上学。

    But , few children from the cyclone struck Irrawaddy Delta will be going .

  16. 联合国儿童基金会估计,死于纳尔吉斯强热带风暴的人当中,有三分之一是儿童。

    UNICEF estimates a third of all those killed by Cyclone Nargis are children .

  17. 新一轮强热带风暴将登陆中国。

    Another powerful tropical storm is approaching China .

  18. 去年孟加拉国发生强热带风暴之后,军用直升机也帮助了救灾工作。

    They also helped in the aftermath of a cyclone that hit Bangladesh last year .

  19. 0212号强热带风暴过程分析

    Analysis of Severe Tropical Storm 0212

  20. 强热带风暴天鹅小波动路径原因分析

    Analysis of the Causes for Slight Route Fluctuation of the Strong Tropical Storm ′ KONI ′

  21. 热带气旋主要是热带风暴、强热带风暴和台风的总称。

    Tropical cyclone is a general term of tropical storm , severe tropical storm and typhoon .

  22. 尽管如此,如果跟强热带风暴刚过的几个星期相比,人道主义局势已得到改善。

    Nevertheless , compared to the weeks following the cyclone disaster , the humanitarian situation has improved .

  23. 潘基文还将参加一次联合国和东盟联合举办的救助强热带风暴灾民认捐大会。

    The U.N. chief will also attend a joint U.N. - ASEAN donors conference for the cyclone victims .

  24. 这些物资足够安置1万名受强热带风暴袭击而流离失所的缅甸难民。

    It says these goods will be enough for 10000 people made homeless by the disastrous cyclone that hit Burma .

  25. 在每年的下半年,许多强热带风暴在大西洋及加勒比海形成。

    In the second half of each year , many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean seas .

  26. 联合国儿童基金会表示,由于纳尔吉斯强热带风暴的影响,缅甸可能会有多达一百万名儿童感染疾病。

    United Nations agency says that as many as one million children may be at risk of disease following Cyclone Nargis .

  27. 我们已目睹了2004年的海啸、最近缅甸的强热带风暴纳尔吉斯以及菲律宾的台风。

    We have seen events like the2004 tsunami , and recently Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and a typhoon in the Philippines .

  28. 带加强层高层建筑中加强层刚度的合理取值一次强热带风暴引发的阶段性强降水分析

    Rational stiffness of outriggers in high-rise structure with strengthened stories Analysis of a staged heavy precipitation caused by severe tropical storm

  29. 联合国报告说,后勤方面的障碍使缅甸伊洛瓦底江三角洲地区强热带风暴灾民很难得到救援。

    The United Nations reports logistical obstacles are making it difficult to get aid to cyclone victims in Burma 's Irrawaddy Delta .

  30. 飓风是强风夹着暴雨。200604强热带风暴碧利斯暴雨过程分析

    Hurricanes are storms with high winds and heavy rains . Analysis of " 200604 " strong tropical storm " BILIS " rainfall