- 名capacity of production

Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods .
We should shoulder the heavy responsibility of ensuring food security , and steadily with rural vitalization .
The vast quantities of food that are wasted across the world are a major contributor to climate change .
Dissimilatory Fe (ⅲ) reduction is the important process in Biogeochemical cycle .
Influence of CO_2 Content on Gas Well Deliverability
With the maturity of the two stage fermentation technology of vitamin C production , there is overcapacity in vitamin C production allover the world .
Determining Productivity Prediction Parameters with MDT and NMR Date
IPR equation in a unsaturated reservoir was established from Vogel equation .
Therefore , it is of great significance to modify vitamin C , so as to expand its usage , to increase its added value , and to alleviate overcapacity crisis as well .
After took part in the WTO , the national titanium dioxide industry is facing the trends of strategic structure regulations . Analysis on the competing status of the Chinese titanium dioxide industry
Transformation of Raising the Production Capacity of the 330t Rocking Shears
Appraisal of Underbalanced Perforation Technology and Deliverability ; Application of Digital Beam Forming Technology in Synthetic Aperture Radiometer
Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .
The advanced planning and scheduling system is the supplement for the traditional Enterprise Resource Planning system . It can provide a company with real-time adjustable optimal production plan with constrained capacity .
With both lines running in Zhujiang steel , CSP continuous casting is being the bottleneck of the production after EAF updating . Technical Characteristics of the CSP Crystallizer for Continuous Casting
Practice of Increasing RH-TB Production Capacity
Part of the oil and gas supply problem in the years ahead also stems from a more disciplined approach by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to increasing spare oil-production capacity .
So a real-option-based flexible capacity reservation model provide an opportunity for supplier select optimal capacity option pricing and buyer determine their optimal capacity reservation through Stackelberg game .
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CORRELATION BETWEEN PROCESS PARAMETER AND VIBRATION OF CONVERTER Practice of increasing steel capacity with 80t converters at Xiangtan Steel
According to the American Honey Producers Association , Malaysian beekeepers , for example , have the capacity to make about 45,000 pounds of honey annually , but the country has exported as much as 37 million pounds of honey to the United States in a year .
Compared with the 2-D Joshi productivity formula , it is more close to the factual horizontal well productivity in the oil field .
The memory chip business is benefiting from high prices after consolidation in the sector , while the logic chip business is enjoying greater capacity use since Samsung started using its own processor chips for the Galaxy S6 .
A new dimensionless IPR equation is created based on the binomial deliverability equation for gas wells , the new equation may predict absolute open flow and IPR curve for gas wells .
JP3 gas reservoir in Xinchang gas field is a shallow gas one of tight clastic rock with low porosity and permeability which is poorly developed .
IPR equation used in water cut oil wells are derived further using the same technique , and this equation can be used in the forecast of productivity of a well when water appears in the production wells as well as in the design of artificial lift technology .
The results show that : ( 1 ) the perforation depth is one of the key factors to productivity . And only if the perforation depth is large than 1.5m , the productivity will be 2-3 times of conventional perforation productivity .
On the Production Capacity Surplus , Firms Coexistence and Credit Rationing
But now we may not be taking out excess capacity .
Application of material balance method in coalbed gas well productivity forecast
Well log evaluation and productivity prediction method for heavy oil reservoir