
  • 网络Contemporary novels;Contemporary Fiction;modern novel
  1. 黑色幽默及其对中国当代小说的影响

    Black Humor and Its Influence Upon China 's Contemporary Fiction

  2. 当代小说中的荒诞意识

    Fantastic Consciousness in Contemporary Fiction

  3. J.M.库切在《慢人》这部小说中所用的元小说叙事旨在探求小说与现实的关系并提出当代小说创作的新的出路。

    By using the metafictional narrative strategies , J. M. Coetzee aims to reveal the interdependent relationship between fiction and reality as well as put forward a fresh way for contemporary writing .

  4. 从美学角度探讨当代小说中所蕴含的游戏精神。

    This paper discusses the banter spirit latent in contemporary stories .

  5. 启蒙文化语境中的当代小说语言

    The Language in Contemporary Novels in the Context of Enlightening Culture

  6. 浅谈中国当代小说的反讽艺术

    A Simple Talk on the Rhetoric-irony Art in Modern Chinese Novels

  7. 中国当代小说现实主义范畴的历史演进

    On the Definition of Realism 's Evolution in Chinese Contemporary Fictions

  8. 爱要怎么说出口论中国当代小说中的情爱叙事

    On the Narration of Love Affaires in Contemporary Chinese Novels

  9. 当代小说诸要素的弹性伸缩

    The Adaptability of All the Key Elements in Modern Fictions

  10. 湖湘文化与湖南当代小说的务实精神

    Hunan Culture and the Pragmatic Spirit of the Contemporary Novels of Hunan

  11. 中国现当代小说的情爱模式及其文化语境

    Love models in contemporary Chinese novels and their cultural contexts

  12. 革命历史小说是中国当代小说重要的组成部分。

    Revolutionary historical novels are an important component of contemporary Chinese novels .

  13. 浅谈中国当代小说中的几个多余人形象

    " The Unnecessary Person " Images in The Chinese Present Age Literature

  14. 中国当代小说女性成长故事论析

    A Comment on the Women Growth Themes in the Contemporary Chinese Novels

  15. 革命战争题材小说是当代小说的重要类别之一。

    Revolutionary war fiction is an important category in contemporary Chinese literature .

  16. 论中国当代小说中的日常生活叙事

    On the Contemporary China 's " Daily Life " Narration

  17. 叙事伦理批评是解读当代小说的一个新视角。

    Narrative ethical criticism of contemporary novels is reading a new perspective .

  18. 当代小说文体的变化与发展

    The Literary Form of Contemporary Novel : Change and development

  19. 论当代小说中的童年回忆叙事及其视角转换

    Narrative of Childhood Memories in Contemporary Chinese Novels and its Shift of Perspectives

  20. 马华当代小说中父亲形象的嬗变

    The Evolving Image of Father in Contemporary Malaysian-Chinese Novels

  21. 简评当代小说中的暴力描写

    Brief Comment on Descriptions of Violence in Modern Novels

  22. 文学的内在世界与语言同构&内蒙古当代小说语言批评得失论

    On the Intrinsic World of Literature and Language Syncretism

  23. 论中国当代小说中的家族母题

    On the Family Motif of the Chinese Contemporary Novel

  24. 喜剧话语策略在中国当代小说中的分布

    The Distribution of Comedy Strategies in Chinese Contemporary Novels

  25. 方言在当代小说中有着不可忽视的功用和效果。

    The dialect has the assignable function and effect in the contemporary novels .

  26. 这种艺术探索,代表着当代小说创作的新突破。

    This artistic exploration stands for a new breakthrough of the contemporary novel .

  27. 当代小说中的童年回忆叙事有五种基本形态。

    There are basically five kinds of narrative of childhood memories in novels .

  28. 当代小说叙述方式的变异

    Changes in the Narrative Modes of Modern Novels

  29. 论当代小说的叙述反讽

    On the Narrative Irony in Contemporary Chinese Fiction

  30. 《扶桑》与当代小说叙事走向

    Fu Sang and Narrative Trend of Contemporary Novels