
cǎi pēn
  • 彩色喷墨打印机 colour inkjet printer
  1. PVC彩喷型材自动化生产线的应用

    The application of automatic production line for colour spraying PVC profile materials

  2. NC彩喷墙纸涂料

    The NC colour spray wallpaper coating

  3. 纳米级SiO2在彩喷纸涂料中的应用研究进展

    Advances on Development of Nano-Silica in Color Ink-jet Printing Paper Coatings

  4. 经Epson打印机和HP打印机打印后,5种胶体SiO2彩喷纸中,A、B和C的色密度比FA和FS高;

    Piezo Epson Printer and thermal HP Printer are used to evaluate the CLC samples print quality . Print density of colloidal silica A , B and C is higher than that of FA and FS .

  5. 阳离子苯丙乳液在彩喷纸中的应用研究

    The Application of St-BA Cationic Copolymer Latex in Color Ink-jet Paper

  6. 特种颜料MARTIFIN/OL-107用于彩喷纸的生产

    Special Pigment Martifin / OL-107 Used to Produce the Colored Ink-jet Paper

  7. 彩喷打印机软故障处理及预防

    Treatment and prevention of the trouble on color-jet ink printer

  8. 彩喷技术进步与打印介质发展

    The Color Ink Printing and Ink Jet Media Development Trends

  9. 照相级高光泽防水彩喷纸

    Photographic grade high gloss waterproof color ink-jet printing paper

  10. 陶瓷装饰用彩喷墨水研究进展

    Progress in the Colored Jet Ink for Ceramic Decoration

  11. 纺织品计算机大型彩喷系统染料及其色度测定

    Textile Dyes Suitable for Computer Controlled Large Ink Jet System And Measuring of Chromaticity Thereof

  12. 高光泽数码彩喷纸的质量及研究进展

    Research and Progress of Glossy Photo Paper

  13. 检测方法能使帮助彩喷纸制造商以及用户根据自身需要合理选择产品。

    They can help the producers and customers to choose products according to their demands .

  14. 用动态接触角与渗透性分析仪评价彩喷纸的抗水性

    Determination of Water-resistance of Color Ink-jet Printing Paper by FIBRO Dynamic Contact Angle & Absorption Tester

  15. 二氧化硅粒径大小影响彩喷纸的不透明度和表面平滑度。

    The opacity and smoothness of color inkjet paper were affected by the silica particle size .

  16. 利用计算机测色系统优化彩喷纸涂层配方

    Optimizing the Coating Formula of the Coated Ink-Jet Printing Paper by Using the PC Color Measuring System

  17. 彩喷纸以其鲜明的色彩表达能力、优良的彩色喷墨打印效果等优点取得了快速的发展。

    The color inkjet paper has been greatly developed because of its bright colors and good inkjet printing quality .

  18. 从实验室涂布研究看出,小粒径、高纯度和高白度的二氧化硅颜料,涂布后所得的无光泽彩喷纸,可获得较好的喷墨打印效果。

    High printing quality could be achieved by the silica pigments with small particle , high purity and high brightness .

  19. 这些草,是我关于乡村土地最初的彩喷,占据了我关于乡村记忆的最大的内存。

    These fodders were my primary colorful memory of the country 's ground and occupied most memory of mine for the country .

  20. 彩喷纸中吸墨层的性能直接决定了彩喷纸喷墨打印的效果。

    In the color inkjet paper , the performance of the inkjet layer directly determined the printing quality of the color inkjet paper .

  21. 通过印刷显色性和墨点保真度的测试,获得最优的喷墨打印纸性价比,帮助喷墨打印纸用户按需要合理地选择高性价比彩喷用纸。

    Printing color rendering ability and dot fidelity of ink jet dots were measured for obtaining the best in-jet paper ability and low price .

  22. 而作为喷墨打印主要耗材的彩喷纸具有很大的市场潜力和广阔的发展前景。

    Meanwhile , the color ink-jet printing paper , as one kind of its main consumed materials , will have great market and developing potentiality .

  23. 随着印刷质量要求的提高,急需不断改进彩喷纸的性能来获得良好的打印质量。

    As image quality improves , there was a demand for ink-jet paper with improvement , so that the ink-jet printed image may resemble a perfect image .

  24. 为了满足消费者日益增长的需求,了解涂布彩喷纸的物理和化学性质是非常重要的。

    To meet the increasing market demands for digital printing papers , it is very important to quantitatively characterize physical and chemical properties of coated inkjet paper .

  25. 另外,对彩喷打印介质的发展提出看法,认为照相级高光泽涂布纸和低档机内涂布纸产品前景看好。

    In other hand , the auther is considered that the development trends of medium are used high gloss coated paper and surface sized paper respectively . grade .

  26. 我们的盘子拥有多种造型和花色,并采用了多种加工工艺,例如:烤花,喷砂,彩喷,热融,等等。

    Our plates are made with various shapes and colors , and produced with different technics , such as decal , sanding , painting , fusing colored glass decorations , etc.

  27. 将传统的印刷测试方法与现代计算机图像分析技术相结合,对高光泽彩喷纸图像再现性能进行综合评价。

    Traditional printing measuring system and modern technology of image analysis with computer were contacted in this paper , in order to evaluate image color rendering of high glossy ink-jet paper .

  28. 为获得高品质彩喷纸,在整个研究过程中,利用简单、快捷、有效的测试方法对各纸样的喷墨打印性能进行了较为全面的评估。

    In order to obtain high quality color ink-jet papers , in the process of study , print performance of samples were evaluated with a series of simple , rapid , effective methods .

  29. 彩喷纸的表面性能是影响喷墨打印效果的重要因素之一,特别对彩喷纸的解像力有很大的影响,而对于涂布的彩喷纸来说,胶粘剂的性质直接影响纸张的表面性能。

    Based on the analysis of ink-jet printing process , we found that surface property of ink jet paper is one of the important factors to influence ink-jet printability , especially , the resolution of ink-jet paper .

  30. 根据彩喷纸的质量要求及特点,通过试验,探讨了特种颜料MARTIFIN/OL-107产品作为二氧化硅的部分替代品,用于亚光彩喷纸生产的工艺可行性及成本优势。

    Based on the demands for the quality and features of colored ink-jet paper and through experiments , the paper discussed the technical feasibility and cost advantage by partly substitute silicon dioxide with a special pigment MARTIFIN / OL-107 .