
  1. 现代彩色墨水和可洗墨水,以含有可溶性合成染料作为唯一的着色物质。

    Coloured and washable inks usually contain soluble synthetic dyes .

  2. 谢谢您的素描。您是用彩色墨水来画的吗?

    Thanks for the sketch . Are you using colour ink to draw ?

  3. 你懂的,就像不同的背景样式,用彩色墨水,就是那一类的东西。

    You know , like different background patterns , using colour ink , that sort of thing .

  4. 用彩色墨水笔填充颜色和补充细节,最后一个环节是最有趣的。

    Use the colored felt-tipped pens to add color and details . The last step is the most fun .

  5. 我认为那是水的颜色,只能说它是画在椰林彩色墨水。

    I had assumed it was a water colour , only to be told it was painted in Yelin Colour Ink .

  6. 长期色调分离使用,因为它可以影响你的照片,类似的颜色可能看起来如何在大规模生产的海报,打印过程中使用数量有限的彩色墨水。

    The term posterization is used because it can influence your photo similar to how the colors may look in a mass-produced poster , where the print process uses a limited number of color inks .

  7. Sol-Gel法制备连续式喷墨打印用彩色陶瓷墨水的理化性能

    Physicochemical properties of coloured ceramic ink used for continuous ink-jet printing by sol-gel method

  8. 油性颜料型彩色喷墨墨水的性能研究

    Research on Property of Oil-based Color Ink Jet Ink

  9. 信息记录用油性彩色喷墨墨水的研究

    Research on Oil-Based Ink-Jet Ink for Information Recording

  10. 许多公司都在开发柔性显示屏和彩色电子墨水屏,但给出的价位似乎不够雄心壮志。

    Many companies are developing flexible screens and colour e-ink screens , and the company 's price-point may be seen to be a little ambitious .

  11. ShiftWear运动鞋的图案显示区域装有柔性彩色电子墨水显示屏,如此一来,用户穿着时只需点一下按钮,便可轻松变换鞋子的图案和颜色。

    The ' ShiftWear ' range has flexible colour e-ink displays so wearers can change the pattern and colour of their shoe at the touch of a button .

  12. 为防止出现传统运动鞋的日常磨损,设计师在运动鞋底部加入了一层凯夫拉纤维,‘鞋面的柔性彩色电子墨水显示屏通过用户步行的每一步,对运动鞋进行充电,也可以说是无线充电。’

    The shoes ' soles will be coated with Kevlar Fibres , to resist the normal wear and tear of traditional sneakers and ' the flexible electronics in the shoes charge with every step you take - or wirelessly . '

  13. 介绍了陶瓷装饰用喷墨打印技术的概念、特点及陶瓷墨水的性能要求,分析了彩色陶瓷墨水组成和制备技术的研究进展。

    The definition and characteristics of ink jet - printing technology in the ceramic decoration were introduced , and the requirements for properties of the ceramic ink were also introduced in this paper . The composition of the colored ceramic ink was analyzed , and its preparation technology was discussed .

  14. 彩色喷墨打印用墨水

    Ink for Ink - jet Printing

  15. 彩色喷墨打印用墨水喷墨用超微粒颜料墨

    Ultra-Fine Pigment Ink for Ink-Jet Printing

  16. 国内计算机外设与耗材市场分析研究彩色喷墨打印机及墨水的市场浅析

    An Investigation of the Market of Computer Output Equipment and Consuming Materials & Color Inkjet Printers and Inks