
cǎi huì
  • Paintings;colored drawing;coloured drawing or pattern;colour decoration
彩绘 [cǎi huì]
  • [colored drawing] 器物、建筑物上的彩色图案或图画

  • 彩绘陶器

彩绘[cǎi huì]
  1. 一般地我们提供的派对内容主要有游戏、魔术表演、小丑表演、摄影摄像以及面部彩绘等。

    Generally we provide party content mainly have game , magicians , antics , videotape and facial coloured drawing or pattern , etc.

  2. 彩绘墙壁看上去更有趣而且花费也不高。

    Painted walls look much more interesting and doesn 't cost much

  3. 这家商店进口诸如彩绘葫芦容器等商品。

    The shop imports goods such as painted gourd containers .

  4. 过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在身上进行彩绘、文身。

    In the old days , they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies

  5. 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。

    These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople .

  6. 我们可以将色彩带回来,并且彩绘这个世界。

    We can bring back the color and paint the world .

  7. 彩绘这个世界并不是一个单人任务。

    Painting the world isn 't a solo mission .

  8. 用色彩来彩绘这个世界。

    Paint the world with color .

  9. 选择欢乐,并在我们给自己彩绘一个新世界的同时,让颜色散播出去吧。

    Choose joy , and let the color spread as we paint ourselves a new world .

  10. Pawdicure(宠物美甲)指针对宠物进行的精致舒适的足部护理,包括足部按摩、指甲润泽、修剪、抛光及彩绘,程序与人类足部护理一样。

    Pawdicure refers to the elaborate pampering and moisturized and their nails clipped , polished and painted , just like a human pedicure .

  11. 也许Mark会喜欢其他教堂的彩绘玻璃。stainedglass就是“彩绘玻璃”。

    I bet you will like the stained glass in some of the others .

  12. 经进一步研究实验有可能成为秦俑彩绘保护材料PU的替代材料。

    It may be instead of PU to become the reinforcement material for the painted figures of Emperor Qin after some further studies . 3 .

  13. 从而为用PU材料加固过的秦俑彩绘及其它文物彩绘的妥善保存提供了科学依据。

    This provides scientific basis of the proper preservation of the painted terracotta army and other polychrome cultural relics which have already been reinforced by PU . 5 .

  14. 新一代台北HelloKitty彩绘机分别命名为:苹果机、环球机和魔法机。它们从台北出发,将沿着不同的航线飞行,至少会运行一年。

    The new Taipei-based Hello Kitty jets called Apple Jet , Global Jet and Magic Jet will operate for at least a year on different routes originating from Taipei .

  15. 然后将空间插值的表达方式与GM(1,1)灰色预测模型结合,回顾和预测安徽省三次产业从业人口的空间扩展演变和趋势变化,最后再进行空间插值的平面彩绘。

    Then spatial interpolation of expression and GM ( 1,1 ) gray prediction model are combined to review and predict the spatial trends and extension of the working population of the three industries in Anhui Province .

  16. 根据文献,评估了兵马俑坑的环境状况,针对已经采用PU材料加固保护过的彩绘兵马俑,提出了一些具体的保护对策建议。

    According to the literature , assessed the environmental conditions of the terracotta army pits , and put forward some specific protection proposals for the painted figures which have been protected by PU .

  17. 嫌疑人允许官员将药物和彩绘图书送进PVC管道,这些物品是官员用来和男童进行联络的,所以对嫌疑人表达谢意可能是一种谈判策略。

    There might be a negotiating tactic to thank the suspect because the suspect has allowed authorities to pass medication and coloring books down through the PVC pipe that they are using to communicate down to the boy .

  18. HelloKitty彩绘列车以“跟着HelloKitty连结台湾与世界”为设计理念,8节车厢设计成由台湾出发,周游亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲、南北极后,再回到台湾。

    The design concept of the Hello Kitty train is " To connect world and Taiwan with Hello Kitty . " The 8 carriage are designed as Taiwan , Asia , Oceania , Europe , Africa , America and North and South pole , and then back to Taiwan .

  19. 生漆与颜料的混合物涂刷或者描绘在器物的表面形成的彩绘,厚度不超过0.1mm。

    The colored painting , which is the mixture of pigment and lacquer and not exceeding 0.1 mm in thickness , is painted on the surface of the utensils directly .

  20. 在离开的路上,工作人员向学生们递上了水果冰沙和“压力工具盒”,里面放着曼荼罗彩绘(mandala)、彩色蜡笔、记号笔、压力球和“Smarties”糖什么的。

    On the way out , the students were handed a smoothie and a " stress kit , " which included a mandala , crayons , markers , stress balls and " Smarties " candy .

  21. LED30秒钟照干后,超白闪亮,可用来彩绘亦可用于法式甲,一分钟内可卸。

    LED30 seconds , according to dry , ultra-bright white , can be used to paint can be used for French A , unloaded within a minute .

  22. 对彩绘颜料利用偏光显微镜和拉曼光谱进行分析。

    Polarization microscope and Raman spectrum were used to identify pigments .

  23. 最常见的就是现代家居中的墙体彩绘。

    The most common is the wall painting in contemporary household .

  24. 河南济源桐花沟出土的汉代彩绘陶

    Colorful Pottery of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Jiyuan of Henan Province

  25. 洛阳汉代彩绘陶壶装饰艺术

    Decorative Art of Painted Pottery Vases of Han Dynasty in Luoyang

  26. 山东青州出土两件北朝彩绘石造像

    Two Painted Stone Buddhist Statues unearthed at Qingzhou , Shandong Province

  27. 论哥特式教堂彩绘镶嵌玻璃窗艺术产生之原因

    On the Cause of Emergence of Stained-Glass Window in Gothic Churches

  28. 汉代文物彩绘的保护与回贴修复研究

    Research on the Conservation and Reattachment of Han Dynasty Colored Painting

  29. 小女孩拿出了自己的彩绘板

    the young girl had brought out her Hello Kitty paint sheets

  30. 综述了文物彩绘的相关物质组成及分析方法。

    The composition of colored drawing and the analytical technique were reviewed .