
  • 网络peterborough;Trent University
  1. 不干胶标签上的完整地址写的是彼得伯勒的一位P.R.斯莱特太太。

    The full address on a stick-on label was that of a Mrs P. R. Slater of Peterborough

  2. 埃里克·爱德华·布勒斯出生于彼得伯勒,是5个孩子中的老二。

    Eric Edward Bullus was born in Peterborough , the second of five children .

  3. 如果你要去纽卡斯尔,你必须在彼得伯勒换车。

    You should change trains at peteborough if you 're going to newcastle .

  4. 该资金用于支付一项社会项目,来帮助彼得伯勒有前科的人士,防止他们重犯。

    The money is being used to pay for a programme to help prevent ex-prisoners in Peterborough from reoffending .

  5. 本月4日,彼得伯勒法院对该案进行裁决,超市为未达到其制定的“高标准”而道歉。

    The supermarket apologized for failing to meet its " high standards " following the ruling at Peterborough County Court on4th this month .

  6. 在父亲的帮助下,他筹集了5万英镑,在彼得伯勒开办了一家中餐外卖店。半年后,他收回了本钱。

    With help from his father , he raised 50,000 to open a Chinese takeaway in Peterborough and made his investment back in six months .

  7. 他在十几岁时就帮助父亲打理彼得伯勒的一家中餐外卖店,当时他一家已离开香港在该市定居。

    He had spent his teenage years helping his father run a Chinese takeaway in Peterborough , where the family had settled from Hong Kong .

  8. 彼得伯勒的一名30岁的男子就挂科了86次,伯明翰的一名41岁的男子也不遑多让,挂科了80次才最终通过。

    A 30-year-old man from Peterborough has failed the driving theory test 86 times , while a 41-year-old learner from Birmingham passed on his 80th attempt .

  9. 第二次早餐吃过不久,埃德蒙向家人告别,骑马去彼得伯勒,一个星期后才回来。

    Soon after the second breakfast , Edmund bade them good-bye for a week , and mounted his horse for Peterborough , and then all were gone .

  10. 二十三日他要到彼得伯勒附近去找一个与他境况相同的朋友,准备在圣诞节那个星期一起去接受圣职。

    On the23rd he was going to a friend near Peterborough , in the same situation as himself , and they were to receive ordination in the course of the Christmas week .