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bǐ àn
  • the other shore;realm;the opposite bank;Foramina
彼岸 [bǐ àn]
  • (1) [the other shore]∶另一边,对岸

  • 大西洋彼岸

  • (2) [realm]∶比喻所追求和向往的一种境界

  • 到达理想的彼岸

  • (3) [Faramita]∶佛教。认为脱离尘世烦恼、取得正果之处

彼岸[bǐ àn]
  1. 佛教哲学虽讲彼岸世界,但它同时又认为彼岸世界不是一个上帝式的绝对实体,它就在心灵之中,是作为此岸的心灵能够实现的。

    Buddhism advocates the other shore , but yet it thinks that the world on the other shore is not an absolute entity as God , but something could be reached in the soul which is on this shore .

  2. 真正的梦是现实的彼岸。

    Real dream is the other shore of reality .

  3. 来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量已急剧减少。

    Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically .

  4. 至于“美”,则总是以其恐怖的美把生带到虚无的彼岸

    As for beauty , it always leads " life " to the other world of nothingness with its terrifying exquisiteness .

  5. 我们在一条伟大的航路上,我们需要有人为我们鼓劲,也许我们偶尔累倒想放弃,可是当我们想到身边还有个让我们挂念的一个人,深吸一口气,继续向前走,我相信,总有一个能够停靠的彼岸。

    We are on a great journey . We need someone to be there for us when we are tired and want to give up . Whenever we realize that there is someone we miss so much deep inside , take a deep breath and carry on for I believe there is always a shelter for my soul .

  6. CreativeCommons在中国的本土化:彼岸花还是乌托邦?

    Localization of Creative Commons in China : Flower over the Coast or Utopia ?

  7. 刚从大西洋彼岸飞回来的泰勒-斯威夫特看上去依然神清气爽,泰勒周三在伦敦结束了Red世界巡回演唱会的最后一站。

    Taylor Swift stepped off her transatlantic flight looking fresh from the shower after wrapping up her Red world tour with a final show in London on Wednesday .

  8. 这种积极情绪延伸到大西洋彼岸的美国,美联储(Fed)的决策者从来认为经济低迷程度会很轻,而且时间短暂。

    The positive mood extends across the Atlantic , where US policymakers at the Federal Reserve have never thought the economic slowdown was anything other than shallow and temporary .

  9. 这使年度大西洋彼岸的对冲基金捐赠在ARK和发起它的组织之间的竞争较之以前要少。

    That made the annual transatlantic hedge-fund give-off between ARK and the organisation that inspired it even less of a contest than usual .

  10. 在大西洋彼岸,使用aggressive一词来表达正面意义听上去非常奇怪,英国人觉得这几乎就像赞美别人奇丑无比一样怪异。

    Using the word ' aggressive ' positively also sounds strange across the pond . In Britain , it sounds almost as bizarre as complimenting someone on being as ugly as sin .

  11. 在大西洋彼岸的伦敦,时尚名媛艾里珊•钟(AlexaChung)与歌星佛洛伦丝•韦尔奇(FlorenceWelch)则身穿维尔申科品牌时装抛头露面。

    Across the Atlantic , London " It " girl Alexa Chung and the singer Florence Welch have both been seen in Vilshenko .

  12. Iris爱上了一个即将结婚的男人,而大洋彼岸的另一头,Amanda则发现了男友的不忠。

    Iris is in love with a man who is about to marry another woman . Across the globe , Amanda realizes the man she lives with has been unfaithful .

  13. 在大西洋彼岸,streetcar在伦敦、布赖顿和南安普敦开展汽车共享业务,其合伙创始人安德鲁瓦伦丁(andrewvalentine)称,该公司已有6000个会员,而且每月新增750个会员。

    Across the Atlantic , streetcar , which operates in London , Brighton and Southampton , has 6000 members and is adding 750 each month , according to Andrew Valentine , co-founder .

  14. 就在我开始就这一问题撰文之时,大西洋彼岸的“奥马哈圣人”沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)也在撰写文章,观点与我大致相同。

    As I started to write on this issue , across the Atlantic the sage of Omaha , Warren Buffett , was writing his own article , on more or less exactly the same point .

  15. 在大西洋彼岸,若有人倡导宽松的财政政策,就有可能被欧洲央行(ecb)关进小黑屋,接受国际货币基金组织(imf)有关主权债务危机危险的再教育。

    On the other side of the Atlantic , any advocates of a loose fiscal policy risk finding themselves in a windowless cell under the European Central Bank , for International Monetary Fund re-education on the dangers of sovereign debt crises .

  16. 在大西洋彼岸,言论都是关于隔离墙和大规模驱逐——唐纳德礠朗普(DonaldTrump)声称要驱逐多达1100万非法移民,而德国人则作出种种安排,准备安置80万名绝望的难民。

    Across the Atlantic , the talk is all of walls and mass deportations ( in Donald Trump 's case of fully 11m souls ) in Germany it is of making arrangements so that 800000 desperate people might find asylum .

  17. 自由女神像原本被设计成国际共和的象征,但在美国女诗人爱玛拉扎露丝(EmmaLazarus)的诗歌中,它被描述成一座希望灯塔,迄今仍伫立在纽约港,召唤着彼岸“那熙熙攘攘的岸上被遗弃的可怜的人群”。

    In the US Emma Lazarus 's lines , which transformed the Statue of Liberty , originally designed as a symbol of international republicanism , into a beacon of hope for " the wretched refuse of the teeming shore " still face New York harbour .

  18. 从那以后,彼岸花再也没有在城市出现过。

    Since then , Bian Hua never appeared in the city .

  19. 大洋彼岸的位于海洋那一边或越过海洋的。

    Situated beyond or on the other side of the ocean .

  20. 如果你有新的彼岸,请你离开我。

    Please leave me if you have had a new world .

  21. 我们的部队登上舰艇,乘船回到大洋彼岸。

    Our troops boarded ships and steamed back across the ocean .

  22. 只有学习知识才能到达成功的彼岸。

    Only by learning to reach the other side of success .

  23. 大洋彼岸的环境艺术

    The Environmental Art on the Other Side of the Ocean

  24. 一艘漫无目地游荡的船永远也到不了彼岸。

    A boat that wanders aimlessly never reaches the shore .

  25. 那么,我们如何抵达“幸福的彼岸”呢?

    So how do we get to this happy place ?

  26. 您公司是否有货件要寄往亚洲各地或是太平洋彼岸?

    Does your company ship goods within Asia or across the pacific ?

  27. 扬起风帆,勇往直前,抵达成功的彼岸。

    Sail , go forward and reach the other side of success .

  28. 你会发现,成功的彼岸就在不远的前方。

    You can discover , success other shore in not far front .

  29. 他划到大河的彼岸。

    He oared himself to the other side of the big river .

  30. 怀旧的审美心理指向是感伤之美和彼岸之美。

    Nostalgia implies beauty of sorrow and beauty of the transcendent world .