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yánɡ jiān
  • this world
阳间 [yáng jiān]
  • [the present world] 人世间

  1. 于是,酒徒就被从阴间赶了出来,又回到了阳间。

    Then , drinker by from Acheron drove come out , returned this world again .

  2. 注定永远在阳间徘徊游荡。

    Doomed to wander the earth for all eternity .

  3. “我们阴间上下都是铁面无私的,不比你们阳间瞻情顾意,有许多的关碍处。”

    " We shades are strictly impartial , not like you mortals with all your soft-heartedness and favouritism . "

  4. 当他们走向阳间,奥菲斯开始担心他的妻子没跟在他后头。

    While they were walking to the upper world , Orpheus became afraid that his wife was not behind him .

  5. 同时,塞尔特人也会假扮成鬼的样子,企图混淆跑到阳间的鬼魂。

    The Celts also wore costumes to disguise themselves , in an attempt to confuse the spirits roaming the Earth .

  6. 当克瑞托斯从哈迪斯的冥府中返回到阳间的时候,他发现他和那个神殿外面的老头再一次相遇了。

    When Kratos finally returns from hades , he discovers the old man he had met outside the temple of the oracle .

  7. 现在,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是小孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏大人则是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。

    Today , although we no longer believe that spirits are flying freely , modernized costumes are worn at Halloween by children going trick-or-treating and by adults seeking fun and amusement .

  8. 经过一番口舌之争,他们达成协议:阿多尼斯每年可以到阳间和阿佛洛狄忒相聚半年,但剩下的六个月得到天堂渡过。

    After much dispute an agreement was worked out under which Adonis was to spend half the year above ground with Aphrodite , but the remaining six months in the elysian fields .

  9. 塞尔特人相信在新年的前一晚,阴间和阳间的大门不再门禁森严,此时阴间的鬼魂会趁机跑出来,为阳间的人们带来厄运。

    The Celts believed that on the night before the new year , the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred as the dead searched for the afterlife .