
  • 网络Lawyer fees;legal charge
  1. 我认为那个律师收费很高。

    I thought the lawyer 's fee was rather high .

  2. 改革律师收费制度;

    The system of lawyers ' charging money should be reformed ;

  3. 律师收费制度研究

    On Lawyer 's Legal Service Charge System in Our Country

  4. 但这忽视了律师收费协议作为民事契约的本质。

    However , the nature of lawyer agent fees belongs to civil contract .

  5. 完善律师收费制度推进我国律师事业的健康发展

    Improve the Charge System of Legal Services Enhance the Healthy Development of Legal Profession

  6. 律师收费制度若干问题研究

    Study on the Lawyer Charges System

  7. 律师收费制度研究对我国审计收费制度及收费现状的理性思考

    On Lawyer 's Legal Service Charge System in Our Country Reflections on China 's Current Audit Fee Rule and Audit Fee Situation

  8. 律师收费问题是接受法律服务的当事人极为关注的一个重要问题。但在我国学者们对此进行的专门研究并不多,对律师风险代理收费制度进行的研究就更少。

    Scholars of jurisprudence rarely specialize in the research of attorney fees in China , let alone risk representation system , although clients attach great importance to them .

  9. 我们认为,在改革律师收费制度时,我们的指导思想一定要从过去的低水平限制转变到如何科学地、合理地体现律师法律服务的价值上来。

    Therefore , when we consider the reform of the legal service charge system , the guideline should be to show the social value of the legal service scientifically and reasonably .

  10. 消费者声称:一般说来,为某项专门服务做广告的律师收费低于那些不做广告的律师(至少在这个州,这种情况是真实的)。

    Consumer advocate : It is generally ture , at least in this state , that lawyers who advertise a specific service charge less for that service than lawyer who do not advertise .

  11. 正确界定政府在法律服务市场中的角色和作用,使其在充分发挥积极作用的同时有效地避免寻租现象的产生,已成为律师收费制度改革的当务之急。

    So , it has become an urgent problem to define the role and value of our government in law service market so as to make the government play a positive role and prevent from the formulation of the phenomena of rent-seeking .

  12. 有关车祸案件和个人伤害案件的官司,律师会收费多少?

    How much does an attorney usually charge in an automobile accident case and other personal injury cases ?

  13. 或者又是离婚律师降低收费的声音?毕竟总会有好消息吧。

    Or is it the sound of divorce lawyers lowering their fees ? Maybe some good can come of this after all .

  14. 律师服务收费应遵循公平竞争、自愿有偿、优质优价、委托人付费的原则。

    I.The charging of lawyer service fees shall follow the principles of fair competition , voluntariness , making compensation , good quality and favorable price , and payment by the clients .

  15. 律师服务收费办法的制定与政府指导价标准的设立是政府对市场调节的一种行政干预,不可避免地导致寻租机会和寻租活动。

    The rule 's formulation of the lawyer 's fee and the standard of the price is a kind of administrative regulation to the market , which inevitably result in the opportunities for rent-seeking and activities concerned .

  16. 一个小伙子问律师他怎么收费。

    A guy asks a lawyer what his fee is .

  17. 由于医生提高收费,则律师也提高收费;

    Because the doctors raise their rates , the attorneys raise their rates .

  18. 如今,法焦网打算安排更多的合同律师按统一收费率直接为客户服务。

    Legalzoom now wants to put more of its contract lawyers to work directly for clients at a flat rate .

  19. 该行业围绕基本运作方式(例如律师向客户收费的方式)的创新已停滞不前。

    Innovation in the sector around fundamentals such as the way in which lawyers bill their clients has been stagnant .

  20. 她是位优秀的律师,但她的收费极高。

    She 's a good lawyer , lout her fees are astronomical .

  21. 因此,律师民事诉讼代理收费制度便与接近正义产生了紧密联系。

    Therefore , the agent fees system for civil lawyer will be close to justice .

  22. 道律师费经常是很大数目的费用,通常律师或者律师事务所是怎样收费的呢?至于厘印费和律师费将由买卖双方平分。

    I know lawyers can be expensive . How does they usually charge ? A : The stamp duty and the legal cost will be shared equally between both of you .

  23. 另外,雇主也可避免支付大笔的安置费和律师费用。道律师费经常是很大数目的费用,通常律师或者律师事务所是怎样收费的呢?

    Therefore , the employer may avoid paying the large settlements and attorney 's fees that often result . I know lawyers can be expensive . How does they usually charge ?