
  • 网络Xu Ang;roark
  1. 该剧的导演徐昂表示,该剧虽然本着还原小说情节的宗旨出发,但在制作过程中会尽可能避免一些不必要的血腥镜头。

    According to the show 's director Xu Ang , while the show is attempting to be realistic , the production team is doing what it can to avoid unnecessary bloody scenes .

  2. 中科院国际合作局欧洲处的副处长徐昂说,这个联合中心将帮助中科院各所基础研究的结果走向市场。

    Xu Ang , an official with CAS 's international bureau in charge of the BP project , says that the joint centre will help results from basic research done by CAS institutes to go to the market .

  3. 徐昂还提到,尽管他们已经在原有小说的基础上对一些人物形象和案例进行了轻微改动,但制作团队还是最大程度还原了原著的专业性及合理的推论。

    Xu also mentioned that while they have changed some of the roles and storylines from the original novel , the team is working hard to stay loyal to the original novel by keeping its core spirit of professionalism and rational deduction .