
  1. 徐灿是明末清初的著名女词人,清人对其评价甚高,认为可与李清照并峙千古。

    Xu Can was well-known as a woman writer during the late Ming and early Qing period , who was spoken highly by people living in the Qing Dynasty and looked up to as Li Qingzhao .

  2. 主要论述陈之遴的家世及当时的时代环境,引出陈之遴与妻子徐灿在拙政园美满幸福的生活及杀父求官的劣行。

    I mainly discussed his family and the historical condition at that time , involving the happy life of him with his wife Xu Can at Zhuo Zheng Garden and his bad behavior that killed his father for an officer position .