
  1. 海南黄牛和徐闻黄牛线粒体DNA的多态性及其品种分化关系

    Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in Xuwen yellow cattle and Hainan yellow cattle

  2. 徐闻黄牛与海南黄牛的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis on Xuwen yellow cattles and Hainan yellow cattles

  3. 本文用RAPD方法以荷斯坦牛作对照分析了徐闻黄牛与海南黄牛的关系。

    Relationship between Xuwen and Hainan yellow cattle was studied with RAPD technology using Holstein .

  4. 在对联合反演和模拟退火算法研究基础上,利用大地电磁(MT)与地震资料的模拟退火约束同步反演技术,对雷州半岛徐闻地区的MT资料和地震数据进行了处理。

    Based on the studies of simulated annealing algorithm and joint inversion methods , the magnetotelluric ( MT ) and seismic data from Xuwen area , Leizhou peninsula were processed using simulated annealing algorithm constrained joint inversion of magneto-telluric and seismic data .

  5. 徐闻黎话共有16个声母,49个韵母,8个声调。

    It has 16 initials , 49 finals and 8 tones .

  6. 徐闻珊瑚礁礁栖无脊椎动物分布

    Distribution of Invertebrates Inhabited in the Coral Reef of Xuwen County

  7. 徐闻珊瑚礁的现状与保护性开发

    Ecological Function and Protecting Development in Coral Reef of Xuwen County

  8. 广东徐闻西部沿岸海区珊瑚类的物种及其分布

    Species distribution of corals from western littoral sea area of Xuwen Guangdong

  9. 关于农业基础建设制度变迁内在机理的制度分析&基于徐闻县的案例调查

    A Case Survey on Inherent Mechanism of Agricultural Infrastructure Construction Institution Change

  10. 徐闻县1990~2002年疟疾流行状况分析

    Analysis of Malaria Epidemic Situation of Xuwen County from 1990 to 2002

  11. 徐闻县蔬菜业发展状况、问题与对策

    Situations and Problems of the Vegetable Industry in Xuwen County and Countermeasures

  12. 晋代以后,徐闻港开始衰落。

    After Jin Dynasty , Xu-wen port begin to decline .

  13. 海南省徐闻大桥的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Xuwen Bridge in Hainan Province

  14. 徐闻县西部珊瑚礁的分布与保护

    The Distribution and Protection of the Coral Reefs in the West of Xuwen County

  15. 徐闻县消除丝虫病的研究

    The study on eliminating filariasis in Xuwen County

  16. 汉代徐闻与海上交通

    Xuwen and Maritime Traffic in the Han Dynasty

  17. 徐闻县蚕茧生产管理模式&“订单农业”之路

    The mode of management and production of silk cocoon & the road of " booked agriculture "

  18. 徐闻县前山镇元宵节游神仪式的文化考察

    A Cultural Survey of the God Pageant Ceremony during the Lantern Festival in Qianshan Town , Xuwen County

  19. 目的了解广东省徐闻县黄胸鼠和褐家鼠对杀鼠灵的抗药性。

    ObjectiveTo monitoring the resistance of Rattus flavipectus and Rattus norvegicus to Warfarin in Xuwen County , Gruangdong .

  20. 汉徐闻县政区包括除廉江市的雷州半岛的大部。

    The administrative division of Xuwen County in the Han Dynasty included the greater part of Leizhou Peninsula except Lianjiang City .

  21. 采用淀粉凝胶电泳技术和组织化学染色方法,研究徐闻黄牛、海南黄牛和荷斯坦牛血液蛋白的遗传多样性。

    Genetic diversity in Xuwen and Hainan yellow cattle and Holstein cows based on protein polymorphisms was studied with starch electrophoresis in this experiment .

  22. 样品包括一个宝石级单矿物蛋白石和采自雷州半岛地区的海康卜昌和徐闻九亩的硅藻土地表样和它们经不同温度处理后的产物。

    The samples include a gem opal and diatomite from Haikang and Xuwen in the Leizhou Peninsula and their thermal treatment products at different temperatures .

  23. 据省气象站的消息,昨日晚间21点15分台风纳沙在广东省徐闻县携强风和倾盆大雨再次登陆。

    At9:15 pm , Typhoon Nesat landed in Xuwen County in Guangdong Province , packing strong winds and unleashing downpours , according to the provincial weather station .

  24. 华南海上丝绸之路始发港,据《汉书》记载111BC有日南港、徐闻港和合浦港。

    A Chinese ancient book reported that in111BC , the set sail ports of the maritime silk route of South China included Rinan port , Xuwen port and Hepu port .

  25. 徐闻县自1987年以来,每年施用面积达5万亩以上。

    Thus , it was applied more than 3333 hectares per year to sugarcane in Xu Wen county , Guangdong Province , since 1987 . Applying this waste liquid of 75-105 M.T.

  26. 在分析的36种血液蛋白(酶)共计40个遗传座位中,徐闻黄牛和海南黄牛有相同的13个多态座位,荷斯坦牛有11个多态座位。

    Among 40 gene loci of 36 blood proteins ( enzymes ), the same thirteen polymorphic loci in both Xuwen and Hainan yellow cattle and eleven polymorphic loci in Holstein were found .

  27. 这只巨大的棱皮龟是在广东省湛江市徐闻县的海边被捕获的,渔民将海龟肉以每斤70元(折合10美元)的价格卖了出去。

    The giant leatherback sea turtle was caught off the coast of Xuwen county in Zhanjiang , Guangdong Province , where fisherman sold off the flesh for 70 yuan ( $ 10 ) a kilogram .

  28. 两千多年前,汉朝的船队从湛江的徐闻出发,踏上了海上丝绸之路的伟大征途,推动了中华文明与世界交流互鉴的历史进程。

    Over 2000 years ago , ships set out from Xuwen county of Zhanjiang and embarked on the grand journey of the Maritime Silk Road during the Han Dynasty , promoting the communication between the Chinese civilization and the rest of the world .

  29. 结合最近完成的广东徐闻地区实际资料的处理和解释,表明该方法可准确确定复杂构造物性界面的密度和速度结构,在该地区的油气勘探中发挥了作用。

    Through the model test and field observed data processing and interpretation , this method is proved effective and practicable , especially the application in the Xuwen area shows that the density and velocity structures of the underground complicated interfaces could be exactly determined and revealed .

  30. 珊瑚礁生态系统具有较强的区域特征,虽然以徐闻保护区为例取得了初步的结果,但是未来还需要在水下光谱、物理模型、水体影响、多源遥感相结合等方面开展深入研究。

    Because of the strong regional characteristics of coral reef ecosystem , in spite of achieving some preliminary results of Xuwen coral reef protection area , we still need further research in underwater spectral analysis , physical model , water quality influence , multi-source remote sensing etc.