
dé fēn hòu wèi
  • shooting guard;point guard;two-guard
  1. 很多人认为这个6英尺3英寸的后卫的表现比NBA的许多退役球员好得多,全明星赛中的得分后卫威廉姆斯说他值得获的全世界的称赞。在微博中,林书豪这一标签已成为流行。

    Images of the 6-foot-3-inch guard outperforming NBA veterans , including All-Star point guard Deron Williams , have garnered him global acclaim , including on Twitter , where the hashtag linsanity has been trending .

  2. 作为得分后卫,你能控制比赛的分数。

    As point guard , you can control the score of the game .

  3. 八次入选NBA最佳防守阵容(一阵或二阵),获得1986-1987年度最佳防守球员的前湖人队得分后卫迈克尔-库波。

    Eight times , former Lakers shooting guard Michael Cooper was selected either first - or second-team all-defense .

  4. 麦迪是NBA历史上最伟大的得分后卫之一,这是毋庸置疑的。

    There 's no way around this simple fact : McGrady was one of the greatest shooting guards in NBA history .

  5. 火箭得分后卫,当今NBA最炽手可热的球星之一,詹姆斯哈登在周一向中国球迷道歉。

    James Harden , a Rockets guard and one of the NBA 's biggest stars , directly apologized to Chinese fans on Monday .

  6. 湖人队现任主教练斯科特表示,他认为科比是可以和乔丹平起平坐的NBA历史上最伟大的得分后卫。

    Lakers coach Byron Scott said he considers Bryant to be " right there with MJ " in terms of the greatest shooting guards in NBA history .

  7. 身高6尺2,在NBA得分后卫上来讲,他属于特别低的,这也很可能使他在防守端不能提升到更高的一个水平上。

    At 6-2 , he 's extremely small for the NBA shooting guard position , and it will likely keep him from being much of a defender at the next level ...

  8. 艾伦:我的位置是得分后卫。你呢?

    A : My position is shooting guard . And you ?

  9. 过去麦迪就像是一个升级版的詹姆斯在打得分后卫。

    McGrady was a more skilled LeBron James that played shooting guard .

  10. 对于一个得分后卫来说,控球非常好。

    Handles the ball extremely well for a shooting guard .

  11. 这位全明星级的得分后卫在周三晚上完成了蜕变。

    The Rockets'All-Star shooting guard made his most significant progress on Wednesday night .

  12. 埃里克-戈登火箭得分后卫(卫冕冠军)

    Eric Gordon Houston Rockets SG ( defending champion )

  13. 如果他们能有一个健康的首发得分后卫,说不定他们现在还在为总冠军而拼杀。

    They still might be playing if they had a healthy starting shooting guard .

  14. 在我看来,詹姆斯是一个得分后卫。

    LeBron to me is a shooting guard .

  15. 而且,乔丹打球的年代,没有太多有出色进攻技巧的得分后卫。

    Also , there was a severe lack of very good offensive shooting guards when Jordan played .

  16. 自从弗耶被推上得分后卫的位置后,差距看起来已经变小了。

    Ever since Foye has been moved primarily to shooting guard , the production gap has narrowed .

  17. 高得分后卫,但是,看上去像一个不知所措第一年的球员,他最后一次了。

    The high-scoring guard , though , looked like a bewildered first-year player his last time out .

  18. 科比是得分后卫,因为那是他的位置&一直是并将永远是。

    Kobe is a shooting guard because that is his position & always has been and always will be .

  19. 他和迈克尔乔丹恐怕是唯二的两个能征服对方球员的得分后卫了。

    He and Michael Jordan were the two main players that were able to get in other players heads .

  20. 詹姆斯你可以随便怎么称呼他,一个小前锋,得分后卫,或者是打前锋。

    LeBron james-call him what you want , a small forward , a point guard , even a power forward .

  21. 周五的比赛中,在令人沮丧的上半场,太阳队的得分后卫德文·布克拿下了全场最高的34分中的17分,

    After a frustrating first half on Friday that saw Suns shooting guard Devin Booker score 17 of his game-high 34 points ,

  22. 目前,戴维斯正在将道格·克里斯蒂和杰米尔·尼尔森组成进攻配对,而将弗朗西斯放在得分后卫的位置上。

    Davis has been installing offensive sets with Doug Christie and Jameer Nelson at the point and Francis as the shooting guard .

  23. 在几年内虽则,溪能是好的长凳选择为一些计分和三尖在得分后卫位置。

    In a few years though , Brooks could be nice bench option for some scoring and three-pointers at the point guard position .

  24. 嘿,如果有地方可以成功得分后卫在场上都远离它,它的中国。

    Hey , if there 's a place that scoring guards can succeed both on the court and away from it , it 's China .

  25. 值得注意的是,亚特兰大老鹰队的得分后卫特雷-杨和丹佛掘金队的小迈克尔-波特都得到了6%的选票。

    Of note , Atlanta Hawks point guard Trae Young and the Denver Nuggets ' Michael Porter Jr. each got six percent of the votes .

  26. 今年由得分后卫改打组织后卫,但他要比一个能做出很好选择的控球后卫还要出色得多。

    Made transition from SG to PG this year , but he is more of a combo guard that makes good decisions than a true PG ...

  27. 特里自2006至2007赛季以来改打得分后卫,刚开始他的三分命中率经历过下滑,但仍然达到了可观的34.8%。

    Terry , who moved to shooting guard in the 2006-07 season , saw his 3-point percentage fall to a still respectable 34.8 percent last season .

  28. 在周四活塞击败马刺之后,菲利普。桑德斯说他会考虑经常用普林斯作为备用的得分后卫。

    Detroit news-after the pistons beat the Spurs on thursday , Flip Saunders said he would consider using Tayshaun Prince as a backup point guard more often .

  29. 自从湖人在2004年湖人失去了奥尼尔和他们的冠军阵容,他们一直在寻找一个内线和一个纯正意义上的得分后卫。

    Ever since the Lakers lost Shaq and their Championship calibur team back in2004 they have been looking for that one big man and a true point guard .

  30. 哈登和保罗现在可以分享控球后卫的职责,对哈登来说这也是很自然的,因为他在职业生涯中主要是在得分后卫的位置上。

    Harden and Paul can now share point guard duties , which would be natural for Harden since he has played primarily at shooting guard in his career .