
yù yī
  • imperial physician;doctors who serve for the imperial family
御医 [yù yī]
  • [doctors who serve for the imperial family] 宫廷医师

御医[yù yī]
  1. 彼得费雪医生是女王的三位御医之一,是一个有名的同种疗法医师。周三上午,她被撞身亡,地点恰好在他工作了35年之久的伦敦皇家综合医院附近的HighHolborn区域。

    Dr Peter Fisher , one of three official Physicians to The Queen and a renowned homeopathist , was crushed by the vehicle on Wednesday morning in High Holborn , near to the Royal London Hospital where he had practised for 35 years .

  2. 我叫御医来带你回去治疗。

    I will call medic to bring you to headquarters .

  3. 我能问下谁将是下一任御医吗?

    May I ask who is to be the next court physician ?

  4. 御医们聚集在他周围

    And it takes the doctors , gathered around him ,

  5. 哥德里克别担心,陛下。我已经叫御医来了。

    Godric rest , my king . I have called for a healer .

  6. 突然其中一名御医看到熟悉的斑点

    and then , suddenly , one of the doctor sees familiar blotches ,

  7. 叫我连御医也带来了,我们去给他看病吧。

    He asked us to bring the doctor here , to check his sickness .

  8. 御医正在诊治。

    Our physician has the matter in hand .

  9. 我是御医,梅林。

    I 'm the court physician , Merlin .

  10. 而且陛下已经有了宫庭御医。

    And you already have a court physician .

  11. 尽管御医保证他能痊愈

    Although his doctors promised a full recovery ,

  12. 我会派我的御医来帮你。

    I will send you my physicians .

  13. 盖乌斯是宫廷御医。

    Gaius is the court physician .

  14. 宫里有御医。

    Our Court has a physician .

  15. 皇帝立即跳下床,命令把他的御医召进来。

    The Emperor immediately sprang out of bed , and caused his body physician to be called ;

  16. 他以医学上的造诣成名,被任命为路易十五的御医。

    He was famouse for his physic , and was appointed as a doctor of Louis XV .

  17. 有一天那些高明的御医说老皇帝大概看不到第二天的日出了。

    One day the wise doctors said that the old emperor probably would never see the sun rise again .

  18. 皇帝从床上跳下来,派人去请御医来,但他们又能派上什幺用场?

    The emperor jumped out of bed and sent for his private doctors , but what good could they do ?

  19. 在伦敦城中心的事故多发区,女王的御医在骑自行车时候,被一辆货车撞死。

    The Queen 's doctor has been killed by a lorry while cycling in a notorious Central London accident hotspot .

  20. 正巧就在这个时候,国王的女儿病得很严重,王宫内的御医们都无法治愈她。

    Now it happened that just at this time the king 's daughter was very ill and none of the court doctors could cure her .

  21. 为了奖励你,我不仅要让你继续留任御医,而且今后,你将是卡梅洛特城的自由人。

    And in honour of this , I not only reinstate you as court physician , but henceforth , you are a free man of Camelot .

  22. 公元前三三三年,亚历山大大帝病倒,情况严重,除了御医菲力浦,其他医生都害怕诊断错误,不愿意为他治病。

    In333 BC , Alexander the Great became severely ill , and other than his own doctor Philip no physician would treat him , fearing a misdiagnosis .

  23. 次年(1742),种痘法被纳入御医所编的《医宗金鉴》中,种痘知识亦随著这部钦定的医书不断再版而流传。

    In1742 , royal physicians included the procedure in their version of the Yizong Jinjian , and the knowledge was widely circulated by this royally approved and continually reprinted book .

  24. 拟从新的角度探讨研究北京御医学派发展的历史沿革、学术特点,揭示其发生发展的规律,开创北京中医学术流派研究的新领域。

    A new prospect has been opened in studying the different schools of TCM in Beijing by investigating the school in its historical development and academic characteristics and revealing the laws governing its development from a new viewpoint .

  25. 通过研究清末御医及其学术传人生平、成就与影响、治学特点、学术思想,构建御医学派的学术特色与其核心学术思想,论证北京御医学派的存在价值。

    The value of the school has been proved by studying the imperial physicians and their academic inheritors in such aspects as the lives , achievements , influence , scholarship , academic thoughts , academic features in developing the school and its core thoughts .

  26. 很久很久以前在古老的中国,皇帝病得很重,所有德高望重的御医都没办法医治,直到后来才有一位智者透露,只有活福鸟的血才能恢复皇帝的健康。

    Once upon a time , in ancient China , the emperor was seriously ill . None of his esteemed physicians could find a cure , until an ancient sage revealed that only the blood of a living Foo bird could restore the imperial health .