
wēi xínɡ qì chē
  • minicar;midget car
  1. 微型汽车空调制冷量的简化计算

    Simplified Calculation of Refrigerating Output of Minicar Air Conditioner

  2. 微型汽车同步器试验台控制及数据处理系统

    Control and Data-processing Systems for Minicar Synchronizator Test Stand

  3. 微型汽车厂FlowShop计划调度系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Plan Management System in Flow Shop of Mini and Small Car Factory

  4. CH公司微型汽车产品差异化战略研究及对策

    Research and Countermeasures on Differentiation Strategy of Mini-car Product of CH Company

  5. 讨论了低硫高促硫化体系EPDM制品的亮度和模具污染的问题,研究了微型汽车后轮制动缸皮碗的配方。

    The problems of glittering of EPDM products with low sulfur and high accelerator vulcanization system and its mold pollution were discussed .

  6. 从2002年开始的大约5年时间里,本田进口了泰国制造的飞度(Fit)微型汽车的轿车版本&也被称为Jazz或City,但后来由于销量不佳而放弃了该计划。

    Honda imported a Thai-made sedan version of its Fit subcompact – also known as the Jazz or City – for about five years beginning in 2002 but abandoned the programme because of poor sales .

  7. 该公司制造的微型汽车将于2008年开始运抵美国,但它们将会以克莱斯勒的道奇(Dodge)品牌上市销售。

    The sub-compact vehicles it will manufacture will start being shipped in 2008 , but they will be sold under Chrysler 's Dodge brand .

  8. 两年前,浦东发展银行(PudongDevelopmentBank)驻上海的初级经理苏天平(音译)购买了一辆QQ。这款由中国汽车公司奇瑞(Chery)制造的微型汽车,是2005年的热销车型之一。

    Two years ago Su Tianping , a junior manager at Pudong Development Bank in Shanghai , bought a QQ , the microcar made by Chinese company Chery , which was a sales phenomenon in2005 .

  9. 本田希望,包括飞度(Fit)微型汽车在内的其它几款汽车计划推出的混合动力车型,能够推动销量在2010年达到50万辆,相当于当前产量的约10%。

    Honda hopes planned hybrid versions of several other models , including the Fit subcompact , will push sales to 500,000 units early in the next decade , a volume equivalent to about 10 per cent of its current production .

  10. 超微型汽车,许多声望极高赛事的胜利者-富士的斯巴鲁WRX,现在由你来驾驶!

    Superwheelbarrow , the winner of numerous most prestigious competitions-Subaru WRX , at your order !

  11. 系统还提供选择框,让顾客来限定汽车的型号分类,例如,如微型汽车、SUV、标准汽车,等等。

    The system also presents an option for the customer to limit the vehicle search to specific categories of vehicles & e.g. , compact , SUV , full-size .

  12. 基于GT-DRIVE的微型汽车动力传动匹配分析及优化

    Matching and Optimization of the Powertrain of Microbus Based on GT-Drive

  13. 本文对JNJ江南牌超微型汽车玻璃钢车门的设计进行了介绍,并简要介绍了这种车门结构的优点。

    The design on the FRP door of JNJ super-mini automobile were introduced , the advantages of this door structure were mentioned .

  14. 作为全线产品汽车厂商,通用汽车销售的车辆中,从高端的别克(Buick)到低端的、在韩国生产的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)品牌微型汽车,各种价位应有尽有。

    As a full-line producer , GM ( GM , Fortune 500 ) is selling a range of vehicles , starting at the top with Buick and working its way all the way down the price scale to tiny Subcompacts made in Korea and branded as Chevrolets .

  15. 微型汽车离合器关键零部件分析及拓扑优化

    Analysis and Topological Optimization to Clutch Key Parts of Mini Automobile

  16. 微型汽车全包内饰开发技术及研究

    The Research and Technology of Complete interior Trim of Compact Car

  17. 微型汽车空调冷负荷计算

    Calculating the Cooling Load of Cars ' Air - Conditioning System

  18. 但在紧邻的伊朗,微型汽车却更受欢迎。

    But in adjacent Iran , smaller minicars are most popular .

  19. 微型汽车自动离合器控制策略研究与原型设计

    Control Strategy Research and Prototype Design of Mini Vehicle Automatic Clutch

  20. 电喷技术在微型汽车发动机上的应用

    Application of Electro - metallization in Mini - car Engine

  21. 微型汽车驾驶员侧安全气囊的匹配性研究

    A Study on the Driver 's Airbag Compatibility in Mini-van

  22. 90年代日本微型汽车发动机的水平(二)

    Development of Engines for Japanese Minivan in 90 's ( Part ⅱ)

  23. 微型汽车离合器摩擦学性能及其应用研究

    Research on the Tribology Performance and Application of Micro-automobile Clutch

  24. 她有一辆从法国购得的左座驾驶微型汽车。

    She has a left-hand drive Mini that she got in france .

  25. 微型汽车车轮轮辐侧孔冲模设计

    Design of the Side Stamping Hole Die Miniature Automobile Wheel 's Disc

  26. 微型汽车变速器齿轮降噪研究

    Research for the Reduction of Noise of Automobile Gear Box

  27. 微型汽车离合器摩擦材料摩擦磨损性能的研究

    Research on Friction and Wear Performance of Micro-vehicle Clutch 's Friction Material

  28. 微型汽车离合器操纵机构传动比的研究

    Research on transmission ratio of operation system in mini-car ′ s clutch

  29. 微型汽车膜片弹簧离合器改进设计

    Modified Design of Diaphragm Spring Clutch in Mini bus

  30. 微型汽车侧围板后连接板修边复合模具设计及工艺分析

    Compound Stamping Die Design and Processes Analysis of Micro Automobile Extension Quarter Panel