
  • 网络Microbattery;micro battery;micro-energy cell
  1. 微型电池用像氢气、醇这样的能源。

    Micro cells use energy sources like hydrogen and methanol .

  2. 微型电池的供能能通过无线电波充电。

    The tiny batteries that power them can be recharged by radio waves .

  3. 微能源主要分为微型电池和微型发电机两大类。

    Micro power can be classified into two kinds : micro cell and micro generator .

  4. 微型电池的最新技术进展

    Recent Technical Progress in Button Cells

  5. 有的药用贴片内安装有微型电池,产生电流使细胞间隙扩张后,再将离子化的药物分子带入。

    Electric current from a tiny battery within the patch could widen cell gaps and push ionized drug molecules through them .

  6. 然后,就像手机充电那样,把这些能量输出并储存到可充电的常规微型电池里面。

    Now , output of this energy is stored in a regular rechargeable tiny battery of the style that we have in cell phones .

  7. 贝尔彻的团队包括帮助组装微型电池的宝拉·哈蒙德和以电池形式存储能量的专家蒋业明。

    Belcher 's team includes Paula Hammond , who helps put together the tiny batteries , and Yet-Ming Chiang , an expert on how to store energy in the form of a battery .

  8. 无线传感器网络中节点一般采用微型电池供电,由于部署环境的复杂性和节点布置的任意性,使得节点的电池难以更换或充电,很容易因能量耗尽而失效。

    Power supply of nodes in WSNs is usually provided by micro batteries . Due to the complexity of the deployment environment and the randomicity of the nodes ' deployment , it is difficult to replace and charge batteries of sensor nodes .

  9. 基于MEMS技术的微型燃料电池的制作

    Fabrication of Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Based on MEMS Technologies

  10. 质子交换膜与MEMS微型燃料电池的研究

    Study on Proton Exchange Membranes and Micro Fuel Cells Based on MEMS

  11. MEMS微型燃料电池及其基于压电风扇的换气方法

    MEMS-based micro fuel cell and its air supplying method by piezoelectric fan

  12. 基于Fluent的微型燃料电池阴极建模

    Micro Fuel Cell Cathode Modeling Based on Fluent

  13. 论文首先开发了工艺简单、高性能的CCM(catalystcoatedmembrane)膜电极制备技术,将高强度、薄厚度的钛金属片应用于微型燃料电池。

    A simple catalyst coated membrane ( CCM ) fabrication technique was developed which showed high performances . A high mechanical strength and thin titanium substrate has been applied to micro fuel cells .

  14. 该微型燃料电池采用KOH体硅腐蚀技术得到流体通道,并溅射金属Pt层作为收集电流的电极。

    The micro channels of fuel cells are obtained by bulk silicon KOH etching , and the platinum layer is deposited as an electrode to collect the current .

  15. 发展便携式或微型SOFC电池组并实现燃料多样化是当前SOFC发展的重要方向,这对于降低运行成本,提高现有化石能源的利用率都有非常重要的意义。

    The portable or micro SOFC stack and diversity of fuel will be the key development orientation for SOFCs , which is of very great importance to reduce operational cost and increase utilization rate of Fossil Fuel .

  16. 依据当前微型燃料电池的发展现状,重点探讨基于MEMS工艺的微型燃料电池微流场板、膜电极集合体等基本构件制造过程,提出了其中的关键技术和瓶颈问题。

    Then , according to state - of - the - art in μ PEMFC , the MEMS based manufacturing technologies of the micro flow field and membrane electrode assembly , as well as the related key techniques and the bottleneck problems in these processes were discussed .

  17. 用于微型燃料电池的多孔硅可控制备技术的研究

    Study on controllable preparation of porous silicon for miniaturized fuel cell

  18. 微型太阳电池组件的小电流问题分析

    Analysis on the Low Current in the Mini-module of Solar Cells

  19. 微型燃料电池流场参数影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Flow Field Parameters in μ DMFC

  20. 微型燃料电池国际标准化的最新动向

    New Tendercy of International Standardization of Micro Feul Cells

  21. 详细讨论了微型燃料电池的的研究现状。

    Meanwhile , fuel cell technology , especially miniature fuel cell technology is also surveyed .

  22. 微尺度学在微型燃料电池数学模型中的应用

    Micro Fluidics and Its Applications in Mathematical Model of Micro Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

  23. 原则上来说,霍克蒂的微型燃料电池和许多现在正在实验中的燃料电池很相似。

    In principle , Hockaday 's miniature fuel cell is similar to many now being tested .

  24. 基于硅的微型燃料电池的研究

    Study on Silicon Based Micro-fuel Cell

  25. 该微型燃料电池电源系统为燃料电池在便携式电源方面的应用提供了一个很好的发展方向。

    It suggests a potential orientation for the application of PEMFC in the field of portable devices .

  26. 霍克蒂原来是一位物理学者,若干年前就开始在自家的地下室里摆弄微型燃料电池了。

    Hocicaday , formerly a physicist , began tinkering with a miniature fuel cell in his basement years ago .

  27. 在此基础上,对微型燃料电池的换气方法进行了研究。

    Based on these , the air supplying techniques which are used in micro direct methanol fuel cell were studied .

  28. 如果微型燃料电池能够风行起来的话,手机生产商就要做出他们可能从来没有预料到的调整。

    If the micro fuel cell catches on , cellular telephone manufacturers will haw to make an adjustment they probably never anticipated .

  29. 最后提出了微型燃料电池进入商业化须要重点解决的技术问题及其发展趋势。

    In order to put them into commercialization , the technology challenge and research trend for micro fuel cells were also discussed .

  30. 电化学沉积方法在制备温差电材料方面具有显著的成本优势,为此作者基于电化学沉积技术,开展微型温差电池的结构设计及相关制备技术研究。

    The electrochemical deposition method has excellent cost advantage . The writer carried out the research of the structure design and manufacture technology .