
wēi shān hú
  • Weishan Lake
  1. 工程物探在微山湖下采煤中的应用

    The application of engineering geophysical prospecting in coal mining under Weishan Lake

  2. 其次是篦齿眼子菜,光叶眼子菜在微山湖有大量分布。

    Next was Potamogeton pectinatus , Potamogeton lucens in Weishan lake has large distribution .

  3. 该省最大湖泊为微山湖。

    Lake Weishan is the largest lake of the province .

  4. 微山湖小型底栖生物群落结构的初步研究

    Studies on the Meiofauna Community in Weishan Lake

  5. 微山湖在漫长的历史演替进程中逐步形成了自己独特的生态系统。

    Lake Weishan have formed its own unique ecosystem in long historical succession advancement .

  6. 微山湖煤田地震勘探水上施工程序设计

    Design on operation program of seismic exploration on water of Weishan Lake Coal Field

  7. 山东省微山湖禽类绦虫的调查

    A survey on the cestodes of birds from Weishan lake , Shandong province , China

  8. 微山湖鸟类寄生线虫调查报告

    Report on a survey of parasitic nematodes in birds from Weishan lake , Shandong province , China

  9. 西边的太阳快要落山了,微山湖上静悄悄。弹起我心爱的土琵琶,唱起那动人的歌谣。

    The sun in the West will set quietly , Weishan Lake playing my loved Pipa singing the moving ballad .

  10. 微山湖位于山东省西南部,是我国第五大淡水湖。

    Lake Weishan lies in the southwest of Shandong Province , which is the fifth largest fresh water lake in our country .

  11. 目的研究南水北调后微山湖生态环境改变对姜片虫病流行的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of ecological environment changes on fasciolopsiasis epidemic in Weishan lake area after the South-to-North water diversion .

  12. 中午在景区享用“全鱼宴”,品微山湖四鼻孔鲤鱼等特色美味。

    Enjoy " All-fish feast " at the scenic spot , and taste the featured delicacy of Weishan Lake Argussnakehead fish and etc.

  13. 分类结果应用于我国微山湖湿地的分类,能有效地指导当地湿地生态旅游的发展。

    This result could be applied in the classification of wetlands in Weishan Lake , China , and could conduct the development direction of local wetland ecotourism .

  14. 以微山湖、骆马湖水资源系统为例,应用系统分析中的模拟技术建立模拟模型。

    The simulation model is developed by using the simulation technology of system analysis and taking the Weishan Lake and Luoma Lake water resources system as an example .

  15. 山东省是东亚飞蝗的重要蝗区,特别是微山湖蝗区,由于湖水位年际间变化大和诸多因素,是该害虫的滋生地。

    Shandong Province is seriously infested area by the locust , especially in the Weishan Lake Areas because of the changeable water levels and a number of other factors .

  16. 研究发现:就起源系统而言,微山湖野生鹌鹑比日本列岛各地的野生日本鹌鹑更接近家养鹌鹑群体。

    The study indicates that , in contrast to wild Japanese quails among Japanese Islands , the wild quails in the Weishan Lake area is closer to domestic quails for phylogenetic system .

  17. 建国后微山湖地区的省际湖田湖产纠纷情况研究药材主产湖北,安徽,湖南,江苏,浙江等地。

    The Study of Interprovincial Disputes about Lake Farmland and Lake Productions in the Weishan Lake Area after the Foundation of the New China ; The herb is mainly produced in Hubei , Anhui , Hunan , Jiangsu , Zhejiang provinces .