
  • The Palace Museum;the Forbidden City
  1. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)23日发布报告称,故宫计划追索流散文物。“流散文物追索”可以用表示。Retrieve表示找回,重新获得,比如追讨官员赃款(),找到遗体()。文物可以用culturalrelics/historicalartifacts表示。

    The Palace Museum , also known as The Forbidden City in Beijing plans to retrieve its lost cultural relics , the museum said in a report on Tuesday .

  2. 尼克松一行参观北京故宫博物院。

    Nixon and his party visited the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  3. 北京故宫在晚上是什么样子的?

    What does Beijing 's Palace Museum look like at night ?

  4. 然而,为了庆祝元宵节,北京故宫博物院开始在夜间也对公众开放——不过只开放了两个晚上。

    However , to celebrate the Lantern Festival , Beijing 's Palace Museum opened its door to the public after dark —— for two nights only .

  5. 国内水平最高的失修古文物保护修复中心29日在北京故宫启用。

    A state-of-the-art conservation center to " treat " ancient cultural relics in disrepair opened at Beijing 's Palace Museum on Thursday .

  6. 在下周苏富比的拍卖目录介绍中,瓷器专家康蕊君(ReginaKrahl)写道,苏富比前董事长朱汤生(JulianThompson)曾表示北京故宫博物院收藏的两只明成化斗彩鸡缸杯是后朝仿品。

    In a Sotheby 's catalog essay about next week 's chicken-cup sale , ceramics expert Regina Krahl wrote that former Sotheby 's Chairman Julian Thompson contested that the two examples at the Palace Museum in Beijing are fakes .

  7. 去年6月,美国影像艺术家特里•拉特克利夫(TreyRatcliff)在未经许可的情况下,操控装有GoPro摄像头的无人机从北京故宫上空飞过。拉特克利夫随后被逮捕,无人机也被警方没收。

    Last June , US video artist Trey Ratcliff was detained and had his GoPro camera-equipped drone confiscated by police after he flew it over the Forbidden City in Beijing without permission .

  8. 导游带领我们参观了北京故宫。

    We went on a guided tour around the Forbidden City in beijing .

  9. 沈阳故宫与北京故宫的外朝内廷外部空间特色

    Space characteristic analysis of imperial palace and exterior imperial court both of shenyang

  10. 此瓿现藏于北京故宫博物院。

    Now the vase is in the Palace Museum .

  11. 第三天。我跨进北京故宫。

    I stride in Beijing Imperial Palace .

  12. 北京故宫博物院馆藏珍品。

    Beijing Palace Museum collection treasures .

  13. 北京故宫可持续旅游调查研究&一个现代服务管理的视角

    A Study on Sustainable Tourism in the Forbidden City of Beijing & A Perspective from Modern Service Management

  14. 北京故宫博物院近日正式宣布成立北京故宫文物保护基金会及北京故宫文化促进会。

    The Beijing Palace Museum Cultural Relics Protection Foundation and Beijing Palace Museum Culture Promotion Association were established recently .

  15. 北京故宫导游词中话语标记那么的功能

    The Functions of Discourse Marker " n à me " in the Tourism 's Language of the Forbidden City

  16. 今年7月起,北京故宫博物院将试行扩大网络售票规模。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing will expand the online sale of tickets on a trial basis starting in July .

  17. 北京故宫博物院曾经是明朝(1368-1644)和清朝(1644-1911)的帝王住宅。

    The Palace Museum served as imperial residence for the Ming ( 1368-1644 ) and Qing ( 1644-1911 ) dynasties .

  18. 嘲风形似兽,北京故宫的太和殿里有这个怪兽。

    The wind takes the form of the beast , the Imperial Palace of Beijing Taihe temple has this monster .

  19. 沈阳故宫是除北京故宫外,中国现存第二大完整的宫殿建筑群。

    Shenyang Imperial Palace is the second largest and well-preserved ancient palace complex , only next to Beijing Palace Museum .

  20. 北京故宫博物院地下文物库是目前世界上面积最大的地下恒温恒湿收藏库。

    The Palace Museums ' underground treasury in Beijing is presently the largest one of its kind in the world .

  21. 北京故宫博物院正在考虑用网上购票系统取代传统景点窗口购票的方式

    The Palace Museum in Beijing is considering having all its visitors book online instead of buying tickets at the gates .

  22. 据当地媒体报道,70%的接受调查者不同意星巴克在北京故宫开连锁店。

    Local media reported that 70 % of people they surveyed would rather not see the chain in Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  23. 运用对比研究的方法,分析国内现在仅存的两个宫殿建筑&沈阳故宫和北京故宫的外朝和内廷外部空间特色

    Space characteristic analysis of imperial palace and exterior imperial court both of shenyang By Comparing research , the paper analyses the exterior

  24. 上周四,北京故宫博物馆开设了一处最先进的保护中心来“医治”年久失修的古代文物。

    A state-of-the-art conservation center to " treat " ancient cultural relics in disrepair opened at Beijing 's Palace Museum last Thursday .

  25. 横店影视城是个庞大而离奇的地方,占地8000英亩,其中一比一原样复制的北京故宫是主要建筑。

    Hengdian World Studios is sprawling and surreal , covering 8000 acres and featuring a one-to-one scale model of Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  26. 一幅17英尺长的古代卷轴,现存放在北京故宫博物馆,显示着古开封的繁荣和匆忙。

    An ancient 17-foot painted scroll , now in the Palace Museum in Beijing , shows the bustle and prosperity of ancient Kaifeng .

  27. “三孔”规模宏大,孔庙与北京故宫、承德避暑山庄并称三大古建筑群。

    The Confucius Temple , together with the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace , is called the three ancient architecture groups in China .

  28. 根据《京华时报》报道,近日,北京故宫内发现了明代(1368-1644年)早期宫殿建筑基址。

    The foundations of early Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) palace buildings have been found at Beijing 's Forbidden City , Beijing Times reported .

  29. 中国的安防技术大致起源于上世纪60年代初,最初应用于北京故宫博物院。

    The security technology generally originated in the early 60s of last century in China , it is initial used in the Beijing Palace Museum .

  30. 北京故宫博物院计划未来三年拆除紫禁城内的所有违章建筑,以保存古建筑。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing plans to dismantle all illegal buildings in the Forbidden City over the next three years , to preserve ancient buildings .