
wēi shēnɡ wù shā chónɡ jì
  • microbial pesticide;microbial insecticide
  1. 复合微生物杀虫剂大面积防治松毛虫的效果

    Effect of Compound Microbial Pesticide on Controlling Dendrolimus spp. in Large Areas

  2. 苏云金杆菌是目前世界上生产量最大的一种微生物杀虫剂,广泛应用于农业生产实践中。

    Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner is one of the most widely used microbial pesticide in the world at present .

  3. 马尾松毛虫微生物杀虫剂林间防治技术研究

    Studies on Microbial Pesticides Controlling Dendrolimus punctatus Walker in Forest

  4. 我国微生物杀虫剂研究与应用的初步分析

    The Prime Analysis of Researching and Appling on Microbial Insecticides in China

  5. 文章较全面地综述了国内外活体微生物杀虫剂、杀菌荆和除草剂的研究和开发进展,并对目前我国活体微生物农药研究和开发中存在的问题提出了作者的观点。

    Research and exploit advances on microbial insecticide , fungicide and herbicide are summarized .

  6. 活体类微生物杀虫剂的研究与应用

    Research and application of living microbial insecticides

  7. 微生物杀虫剂防治贮粮害虫试验及新菌株的筛选研究

    The experiment on the control of insect pests in stored grain by microbial insecticide and their new strain selection

  8. 苏云金杆菌是一种重要的微生物杀虫剂,而且能够编码几种昆虫毒蛋白基因。

    Bacillus thuringiensis is a major microbial insecticide and a source of genes encoding several proteins toxic to insects .

  9. 本文介绍了微生物杀虫剂的种类及其优点,分析我国微生物杀虫剂的现状,及其发展前景。

    The spices and advantages of microbial insecticide was introduced and its status and prospect was analysed in this paper .

  10. 结果表明,白僵菌一类微生物杀虫剂采用烟雾载药技术是可行的。

    The results of experiment showed that microbial insecticides sprayed by pulsejet type fogger is feasible for the control forest pests .

  11. 由于对类似草药的误用和替换,以及重金属和微生物杀虫剂的污染,中国传统药物的出口受到了阻碍。

    Exports of traditional Chinese drugs have been impeded by misuse and substitutions for similar plants , as well as contamination by heavy metals and microbial insecticides .

  12. 苏云金杆菌制剂是目前应用最为成功的一类微生物杀虫剂,在防治植物病害方面也取得了一定的进展。

    The microbial pesticide of Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) was successfully used for pests control , as well as have made some progress in plant disease control .

  13. 微生物杀虫剂作为一种绿色农药,而成为当前农药的佼佼者,开发和应用微生物杀虫剂是解决可持续发展的重要内容之一。

    As a kind of green pesticide , microbial insecticide was recently the most outstanding one . The research and application had become one of critical content about the continuous development .

  14. 论述了苏云金芽孢杆菌(简称Bt-目前世界上应用最广的微生物农药杀虫剂)在我国的标准化问题,及技术标准的实施对我国Bt行业发展和进出口管理的作用。

    The paper expatiates on the circumstances about the standard of Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) and the effect of the standard to developing of Bt industry and combination deal trade managing .

  15. 一种杀死细菌的药剂,尤指致病的微生物;杀虫剂。

    An agent that kills germs , especially pathogenic microorganisms ; a disinfectant .

  16. 微生物源杀虫剂的研究进展概况

    Progress in Microbial Pesticides

  17. 本课题有利于尽快使我国摆脱过度依赖化学杀虫剂的现状,加快我国微生物类杀虫剂方面的研究,进一步完善现代化农业的要求,为生物农药产业和农业的可持续发展做出一定的贡献。

    The research can accelerate the development of microbial insecticides in China , and contributes to the sustainable development of Chinese agriculture .

  18. 绿色储粮是未来粮食储藏的发展趋势,它能够避免微生物真菌毒素和化学杀虫剂等引起的危害。

    Green grain storage is the future trend of development , it can avoid jeopardizing from microorganism epiphyte toxin and chemical pesticide .

  19. 微生物农药是目前生物农药产业的主要组成部分,活体类微生物杀虫剂是微生物农药的重要组成部分,在生物防治工作中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Microbial pesticides are the major part of the bio-pesticides industry , and living microbial insecticides are the main members of microbial pesticides , which play significant roles in the field of biological control .