
sǎ bù
  • spread;scatter/sprinkle
撒布 [sǎ bù]
  • [dredge] 用撒的方式散布

  • 撒布种子

  1. 基于PLC的车载智能撒布控制系统研究

    Research of vehicle-carried intelligent spread control system based on PLC

  2. 有人甚至撒布虚假信息以制造交易机会。

    Some even spread false information to create trading opportunities .

  3. CF型防滑、融雪材料撒布机的设计

    Design of CF Spreading Machine for Anti Skid and Snow Melting Material

  4. FST型粉(石)料撒布机的设计

    The Design of FST Type Powder ( Stone Chips ) Spreader

  5. 该机具有撒布盐、砂、融雪剂等多种功能;

    With scatterable salt , sand , deicing salt , and functions ;

  6. 他们说这些假冒产品通过东南亚的大陆地区正在快速撒布。

    They say these counterfeits are spreading quickly through mainland Southeast asia .

  7. 砾石撒布器,装在机动车底盘上

    Gravel sprayer , mounted on a motor vehicle chassis

  8. 静电荷可以用撒布指示粉剂的方法,予以探测。

    Electric charge may be detected qualitatively by sprinkling or blowing indicating powders .

  9. 封层施工中,沥青粘结料与碎石的撒布量是关键。

    Asphalt binder materials and the cloth is the key factor of dressing construction .

  10. 一个从前住在密歇根湖和撒布瑞尔湖之间,现在已经灭绝的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

    A member of the extinct Algonquian people formerly living between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior .

  11. 撒布器设计

    The Design of Tax Controled Device

  12. 分析了融雪剂在使用过程中撒布设备及外界因素对它的影响。

    Influences of dispensing device and outside factors to snowmelt agent in using process were analysed .

  13. 自动化程度高、撒布均匀、操作简单、装载容量大、效率高。

    High automatic , spray uniform , operate easily , high capacity load and high efficiency .

  14. 撒布器设计多路抢答器的设计

    The Design of a Multiple-Line-Snatch-Answer-Machine

  15. 砾石撒布器,夫论是否自动推进式(不包括装在机动车底盘上者)

    Gravel sprayer , whether or not self-propelled ( excl. those mounted on a motor vehicle chassis )

  16. 属比革瓦伊的子孙有乌太和撒布,同着他们有男丁七十。

    Of the sons also of Bigvai ; Uthai , and Zabbud , and with them seventy males .

  17. 移动式遥控机械装置施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器

    MOBOT ( mobile remote-controlled robot ) distributing mechanism , for fertilizer distributors , seeding , planting or transplanting machines

  18. 带水平辊农家肥撒布机施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器

    Farmyard manure spreader with horizontal roller distributing mechanism , for fertilizer distributors , seeding , planting or transplanting machines

  19. 每日一图秋天观叶。就像看见附近的佛蒙特,秋天开始撒布白色的山脉的汉普夏以色彩。

    As seen from neighboring Vermont , autumn begins to sprinkle the White Mountains of New Hampshire with color .

  20. 心皮突然爆开,将孢子抛到空中,再由风将它们撒布开去

    The seed pod suddenly snap apart , throw the spore into the air to is distribute by the wind

  21. 通用汽车证实,将要把瑞典撒布轿车出售给荷兰豪华汽车生产商世爵。

    Sweden 's Saab is being sold to Dutch luxury carmaker Spyker , General Motors ( GM ) has confirmed .

  22. 全功能车载式划线车玻璃珠撒布装置的改装及施工注意事项

    Improvement of the glass spread device and the points for attention in construction for the all function automated line machine

  23. 平整并重新撒布后进行喷水或烘干,此种方法可用于增强夯实特性。

    Spray watering or drying out by harrowing and re-spreading , as the case may be required to improve compaction characteristics .

  24. 此后,每年中秋月圆之时,少女们都要向月宫仙女嫦娥祈福的传说便撒布开来。

    Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  25. 拿单的儿子亚撒利雅作众吏长,王的朋友拿单的儿子撒布得作领袖。

    Azariah the son of Nathan was over the officers ; Zabud the son of Nathan was priest and king 's friend ;

  26. 先用粘性油墨印刷,然后用人手或机器撒布青铜粉末。

    It is first printed with adhesive ink and the bronze powder is then dusted on by hand , or by a bronzing machine .

  27. 使用方便灵活、工作效率高,适合加热型和常温型两种标线涂料,备有反光玻璃珠撒布装置和间断线电子自动控制器,适用于高等级公路、城市道路和机场等地的画线工作。

    It has reflecting glass bead spreader and automatic electronical skip line control for high class highway , urban road , airport and other marking . projects .

  28. 现代战场上子母弹、撒布地雷等撒布弹药的大量使用,带来了严重的未爆弹药问题。

    With such scatterable munitions as submunitions and scatterable mines being widely used in the modern battlefields , unexploded ordnance ( UXO ) is a serious problem .

  29. 他把罗斯福描绘成与他自己相似的形象承担义务去撒布特权,甚至美国的盟友并不确信这是最佳的进程。

    He portrayed roosevelt 's vision as similar to his own & a commitment to spreading freedom even when u.s.allies were not convinced it was the best course .

  30. 二是掺量存在一个平衡点,且用于撒布型橡胶沥青的掺量比混合料的掺量平衡点要大。

    Second , there be a balance in the content , the content of the rubber asphalt for spreading is larger than that in the balance of the mixture .