
wēi ruǎn ɡōnɡ sī
  • Microsoft Corporation
  1. 蓝牙通讯技术在嵌入式产品中的应用具有极为广阔的前景,微软公司的WINDOWSCE.NET已经成为了主流的嵌入式操作系统之一。

    The application of bluetooth communication technology in embedded system has a huge vision , Microsoft Corporation 's Windows CE .

  2. 微软公司的软件EXCEL提供了解决回归问题的十分方便的方法。

    It is very convenient for EXCEL , software of Microsoft Corporation , to solve the problem of one variable linear regression .

  3. 当她开始为希特勒说好话时,微软公司将她关闭,并删除了最丑恶的留言。

    When she started saying nice things about Hitler , Microsoft turned her off and deleted her ugliest messages .

  4. 一个失业的人想应聘微软公司的“办公室勤杂工”岗位。

    A jobless man wanted to applyfor the position of " office boy " at Microsoft .

  5. 采用微软公司的高级编程语言VISUALBASIC作为监控系统上位机软件的开发工具。

    Visual Basic is employed as the programming tool for the central computers in the Monitoring System .

  6. 辅助电路使用贴片元件,使整个电路尺寸做到最小。COM即组件对象模型(ComponentObjectmodel)是由微软公司创建,当今应用范围最广的组件模型之一。

    COM ( Component Object Model ) founded by Microsoft is the most widely applied nowadays .

  7. ASP(ACTIVESERVERPAGES)是一种由微软公司开发的服务器端技术。

    ASP ( Active Server Pages ) is server-side technology developed by Microsoft .

  8. 据报道,微软公司(Microsoft)有些开发人员对于Windows8的开发工作深感恐惧。

    Microsoft reportedly has developers horrified about coding for Windows 8 .

  9. 这方面最明显的两个例子是通用电气(GeneralElectric)和微软公司。

    The two most obvious examples of this are general electric ( GE ) and , yes , Microsoft .

  10. 微软公司的WINDOWSnt5.0也将让服务器群集获得更高的效率。

    And Microsoft 's Windows NT 5.0 will allow server clustering to be achieved more effectively .

  11. 买这种电脑的人不会付给微软公司好几百美元安装Office软体,而只会使用相同的线上软体,正如“上网本”这个名字所暗示的那样。

    The people who buy them don 't load Office and pay Microsoft hundreds of dollars for the privilege .

  12. 上周初他又担当了一个全新的重任,同意出任微软公司(Microsoft)的董事长。

    Then earlier this week , he took on a huge new responsibility .

  13. NET是微软公司开发推广的新一代数据库访问技术,提供了多种数据访问接口。

    NET is the newest database access technique developed by Microsoft , and it provides many database access interfaces .

  14. 微软公司推出的可视化编程语言VISUALBASIC提供了强大的计算与绘图功能,作者利用它研制了一级连续反应动力学的模拟程序。

    The program to simulate the consecutive first-order reaction has been developed by the strong function of Visual Basic in calculation and plot .

  15. 今年对微软公司(Microsoft)来说是重拳出击之年。

    This is a big year for Microsoft .

  16. 微软公司(Microsoft)正准备在中国市场上卷土重来。

    Microsoft is staging a comeback in China .

  17. •微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人比尔•盖茨,居住地:华盛顿麦地那。

    • Bill Gates , co-founder of Microsoft , lives in Medina , Washington .

  18. 微软公司的ProjectServer2003是企业项目管理的龙头产品,被国内外很多大公司应用。

    The Microsoft Project Server 2003 is the symbolic product of EPM and it has been applied in many big company in the local and oversea .

  19. CORBA事务处理服务能与微软公司的事务处理一起工作吗?

    Do the CORBA transaction service and Microsoft transactions work together ?

  20. 微软公司的面向对象程序开发软件VB(VISUALBASIC),是主流程序开发工具之一。

    The object procedure development software VB ( Visual Basic ) of Microsoft is one of the main procedure tools .

  21. 微软公司(Microsoft)首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德拉表示,云对微软的未来至关重要。

    Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the cloud is vital to his company 's future .

  22. 所有人:保罗•艾伦,微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人

    Owner : Paul Allen , co-founder Microsoft

  23. 供应商们也支持较便宜的平台,尤其是微软公司WINDOWSnt为基础的服务器。

    Vendors are also supporting less expensive platforms , specifically Microsoft Windows NT-based servers .

  24. 这就有点儿像:现在软件开发商如何看待微软公司(Microsoft)或者苹果公司(Apple)的操作系统。

    Kind of like how the Microsoft or Apple operating systems are viewed today for software makers .

  25. 对当前比较流行的开发平台&Sun公司的J2EE和微软公司的。

    This paper introduces current popular development platform & Sun 's J2EE and Microsoft 's .

  26. 微软公司的第一个产品,是供Altair计算机使用的Basic语言解释器。

    Microsoft 's first product was a Basic interpreter for the Altair .

  27. ASP是微软公司最新推出的WEB应用开发技术,是目前访问WEB数据库的最佳选择。

    ASP , which is newly WEB developed technique by Microsoft Ltd , is the best choice for visiting WEB database nowadays .

  28. 而微软公司则与中国电脑巨人联想集团签署了10亿美元的软件采购协议,为联想全线产品预装WINDOWS正版系统。

    Microsoft has its own billion-dollar deal with Chinese computer giant Lenovo to install the Windows operating system in its computers .

  29. 21岁的微软公司(Microsoft)技术高手查理•肯特辞去工作,致力于一家业务不明的创业公司。

    Charlie kindel , a 21-year-old Microsoft veteran is leaving the company to focus on an unspecified startup .

  30. 这部分技术属于微软公司的智能个性服务技术(SPOT),目的是让日常用具工作更有效率。

    It 's part of Microsoft 's Smart Personal Objects Technology ( SPOT ), which seeks to make everyday objects more efficient .