
  • 网络Hasbro;HASBRO INC;Hasbro Interactive
  1. 美好集团(MusicalGroup)总部设在香港,其在中国南部的旗舰工厂遭遇了严重的劳动力短缺,而且工人工资飙升,于是该集团决定在印度修建最新的孩之宝工厂。

    The Hong Kong-based Musical Group decided to build the latest Hasbro factory in India after facing severe labor shortages and soaring wages at its main factory in southern China .

  2. 作为对比,今年年初孩之宝为旗下的小马产品系列引入了一组新款玩具&MyLittlePonyEquestriaGirls。

    Hasbro , meanwhile , introduced my little pony equestria girls a set of dolls to its line of pony products earlier this year .

  3. 虽然孩之宝旗下较为昂贵、复杂的玩具,比如电子的“亲亲宠物”(FurRealFriends)系列,仍然在中国加工制造,但该公司的生产订单也发往了土耳其、印度尼西亚、越南和墨西哥。

    While the company still sources expensive , complex toys like the electronic FurReal Friends from China , Hasbro has contracts for production in Turkey , Indonesia , Vietnam and Mexico .

  4. 印度浦那——几十年来,培乐多(Play-Doh)、大富翁(Monopoly),以及孩之宝(Hasbro)的几乎所有其他玩具都在中国生产。

    PUNE , India - Play-Doh , Monopoly and practically all of Hasbro 's other toys were made in China for decades .

  5. “孩之宝非常高兴能够联手与惊奇漫画无限数字为这个独家赠品,说:”比利拉戈尔,高级孩之宝公司的全球品牌战略与营销,Marvel公司董事。

    " Hasbro is very excited to be teaming up with Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited for this exclusive giveaway ," said Billy Lagor , Senior Director of Hasbro 's Global Brand Strategy & Marketing , Marvel .

  6. 尽管新兴市场有着庞大的年轻人口,但美泰(Mattel)和孩之宝(Hasbro)等美国玩具公司尚未把这些国家变成巨大的盈利中心。

    While emerging markets tend to have big , young populations , American toy companies such as Mattel and Hasbro have yet to turn them into large profit centers .

  7. 孩之宝首席执行官艾尔维里克查尔(alverrecchia)预计,面对不断上涨的价格,供应商们将逐步把自己的供应链延伸到位于内陆城市附近的工厂,远离沿海地区。

    Al verrecchia , chief executive officer , predicted that suppliers would respond to the rising prices by gradually extending their own supply chains to factories based around inland cities and away from the coast .

  8. 继美国玩具制造商美泰(Mattel)和孩之宝(Hasbro)之后,这家总部位于西雅图的咖啡企业宣布召回25万只2006年5月至今年8月期间销售的儿童塑料杯。

    Following in the steps of Mattel and Hasbro , the largest US toymakers , the Seattle-based coffee company is recalling a quarter of a million plastic children 's mugs sold at its stores between May 2006 and August this year .

  9. 孩之宝表示,该公司的玩具目前“绝大部分”是从中国采购的。

    Hasbro says it currently sources " the substantial majority " of its toys from China .

  10. 它进军最积极的地方是印度,孩之宝现在已经在印度有了几家相当大的工厂,而且还计划再开一家。

    It has moved most aggressively into India , where Hasbro now buys from several sizable factories , and another is planned .

  11. 这儿就是我们拍摄那部电影的地方。很密切,拍摄方请来了孩之宝的顾问。

    Here is the site where we shot the film . A : Very close , they had a Hasbro adviser there as the wrote .

  12. 本月月初,孩之宝(HAS)报表显示,公司净收入为1.725亿美元,相对于去年同一时期增加了5%。

    Earlier this month , Hasbro ( has ) reported net income of $ 172.5 million , an increase of 5 % from the same period a year ago .

  13. 很多人会欣喜发现到,太阳风还是像他原来的橙色,而不是像过去孩之宝版的那种黄色。

    Many will be happy to note that he is indeed orange like the original , and not yellow like the Hasbro versions of Sunstorm have been in the past .

  14. 孩之宝没有卷入任何一起高调产品召回事件。这些产品召回事件集中在中国供应商身上,导致中国与美国和欧盟之间微妙的贸易关系趋于紧张。

    Hasbro was not involved in any of the high-profile recalls , which centred on China-based suppliers and further strained the country 's delicate trading relationships with the US and EU .