
  • 网络German Wine;Germany
  1. 与英国和美国大多数长期痴迷于德国葡萄酒的爱好者相比,我爱好的是德国雷司令(rieslings)干葡萄酒,尤其是德国较温暖地区产的这种酒。

    Compared with the majority of long-standing German wine enthusiasts in the UK and us , I am enthusiastic about dry Rieslings from Germany , especially the warmer parts of Germany .

  2. 是优质的德国葡萄酒。

    Our key product is high quality German wine .

  3. 另一个来自过去的冲击波是德国葡萄酒品牌BlueNun,它曾因口味糟糕而沦为笑柄,现在却改头换面,大有改进且极为畅销。

    Another blast from the past is Blue Nun , formerly a byword for bad taste in wine but now revamped , improved and flying off the shelves .

  4. 我们没有得到任何的德国葡萄酒。

    We haven 't got any German wine .

  5. 你有没有德国葡萄酒?

    Have you got any German wine ?

  6. 有些德国葡萄酒很酸。

    Some German wine is quite dry .

  7. 当然,没有规则的德国葡萄酒是不可想象的,但在我看来,这些规则实在是太僵化了。

    German wine without rules is of course unthinkable but these seem awfully inflexible to me .

  8. 最受欢迎的2005年波尔多红葡萄酒价格之高,让一些葡萄酒收藏家惊骇不已,为此,他们平生第一次开始考虑投资2005年的德国葡萄酒。

    Some wine collectors have been so horrified by the prices of the most sought-after 2005 red bordeaux that for the first time they are thinking of investing in 2005 German wines .

  9. 全球越来越多的人开始重视顶级品质的德国葡萄酒,这当然是件好事,但如果价格达到可观水平、所有那些可爱的廉价货都消失了的话,可就没那么好了。

    It 's great that top quality German wine is being taken seriously by an increasing number of people around the world but not so great if prices reach a sensible level and all those lovely bargains disappear .

  10. 人们往往把奥地利葡萄酒的风味与德国北部葡萄酒的风味相提并论。

    Austrian wine styles are often bracketed with those of northern Germany .

  11. 德国的葡萄酒文化也与音乐紧密相连。

    German wine culture is also tightly connected with music .

  12. 雷司令这位葡萄皇后塑造了德国白葡萄酒所享有的全球声誉。

    Resling , the grape queen has molded the global prestige of German white wine .

  13. 这些葡萄酒在美国一瓶的售价要45美元以上(在英国看不到),显然比其它大多数德国甜葡萄酒要昂贵得多。

    And at $ 45 a bottle and up in the US ( invisible in the UK ), these wines are considerably more expensive than most sweeter German wines .

  14. 德国葡萄与葡萄酒(之七)德国消费者如何鉴赏和选购葡萄酒

    How German consumers appreciate and se - lect grape wines

  15. 我个人很建议散步的同时喝上德国的热葡萄酒来取暖。

    I personally recommend walking around while sipping on some German gl ü hwein to keep warm .

  16. 美国与其他国家之间的贸易赤字已经相当巨大,欧元贬值可能只会拉大这一缺口,因为德国汽车、西班牙葡萄酒和法国奢侈消费品在价格上变得更具竞争力。

    For the United States , which already runs a substantial trade deficit with the rest of the world , a weaker euro might only widen that gap , as German cars , Spanish wines and French luxury goods become more price-competitive .