
  • 网络Delphi
  1. 他们在德尔斐神示所向神请示。

    They consulted the oracle at Delphi .

  2. 围绕着住区环境的各种物质形式如何体现三方面内容,采用层次分析法(AHP)和德尔斐专家调查法(Delphi法),构建了住区环境生态性评价的指标体系。

    Based on how the physical forms embody the three contents , and by the methods of AHP and Delphi , this paper sets up the indices system for evaluating the ecological features of environment in residential areas .

  3. 在群落调查的基础上,运用综合评价法和德尔斐(Delphi)专家调查法,建立群落生态与景观协调度评价指标体系,对崇明岛群落进行评价。

    In the community survey , based on the use of comprehensive evaluation method and Delphi ( Delphi ) expert investigation , the establishment of community ecology and landscape coordination degree evaluation system was evaluated on Chongming Island communities .

  4. 但这并不能阻止人们如今访问德尔斐。

    But that does not stop people from visiting Delphi today .

  5. 因此,德尔斐集中了各族的财富,变得越来越富有。

    Thus , Delphi became enriched with the wealth of many nations .

  6. 所以德尔斐也有祭司。

    So at Delphi , there were also priests .

  7. 因此,人们称这个地方为“德尔斐的神谕”。

    And so , people called this place " the oracle at Delphi . "

  8. 德尔斐神谕不尊敬上帝。

    The Delphi oracle did not honour God .

  9. 声音2:德尔斐的人们想知道气体是从哪里来的。

    Voice 2 : The people in Delphi wondered where the gases came from .

  10. 德尔斐神谕的主管既不直言,也不隐瞒,而是出示象征。

    The lord whose oracle is in Delphi neither indicates clearly nor conceals but gives a sign .

  11. 声音1:无论真实与否,许多游客仍会前往“德尔斐的神谕”。

    Voice 1 : True or not , many visitors still came to the oracle at Delphi .

  12. 声音2:在德尔斐,地壳发生了两次重大断裂。

    Voice 2 : At Delphi , there were two major breaks in the earth 's crust .

  13. 声音2:德尔斐的神谕一直延续到公元四世纪。当时希腊处于罗马统治之下。

    Voice 2 : The oracle at Delphi lasted until the fourth century AD. By then , Greece was under Roman rule .

  14. 今天,如果你参观德尔斐古迹,你一定要发挥你的想像力,或阅读旅游指南,重建这一古迹。

    If you visit Delphi today , you will have to use your imagination , or a guidebook , to reconstruct the ancient site .