
  1. 我们现在采访一位高德昂公司的工程师。

    But an engineer from caudron is here with us .

  2. 他们是佤族,布朗族和德昂族。

    They areWa , Blang and Deang .

  3. 云南彝族、佤族、德昂族传统文化习俗与森林资源关系的调查研究

    On Relationship between Cultural Traditions of Yi , Wa and De'ang Nationalities and Forest Resources in Yunnan Province

  4. 山岭上的旅游景点,如马兰加巴、梅德昂和巴合拉恩都满目疮痍,旅馆和市集变成一片废墟。

    Hill station resorts like Malam Jabba , Madyan and Bahrain were devastated , their hotels and bazaars in ruins .

  5. 我们在考察的过程中发现,德昂族失去了很多独特的传统茶文化。

    During our investigation , we found that the De ' ang ethnic group lost a lot of unique traditional tea culture .

  6. 本文以德昂族为例,从生态环境、村寨边界、文化边缘、文化适应角度,论述了文化孤岛现象。

    The article discusses the culture isolated island phenomenon from the perspective of ecological environment , village frontier , culture boundary and culture adjustment of De'ang nationality .

  7. 本文分析和研究德昂族受教育程度的现状及问题,对于推动目前国家重点扶持人口较少民族经济和社会发展工作具有理论意义和现实意义。

    This essay has analyzed and researched the situation and problems of De-ang educational degree which has theatricals and realistic significances in promoting minority economic and social development .

  8. 通过对克木语、德昂语、莽语、布朗语、佤语、柬埔寨语等语言前缀的语音形式进行考察,分析孟高棉语言前缀的语音结构类型;

    This thesis finds the phonetic types of the prefixes of Mon-Khmer languages by investigating the phonetics of the prefixes of Khemu , De'ang , Mang , Bulang , Wa and Cambodian .

  9. 德昂族人口较少,居住分散,给专门从事服饰文化的研究其带来了很多不便。

    Has created a splendid traditional culture of excellence . De ' ang relatively small population living scattered , specializing in costumes to examine the culture has brought a lot of inconvenience .

  10. 支持:“泼水节”是傣、布朗、德昂等兄弟民族极为隆重的传统节日,族人对其的关注程度,丝毫不逊于春节。

    For : Songkran Festival is a very important traditional celebration for Dai , Blang and Palaung ethnic minority groups and is of the greatest meaning to them as the Spring Festival to the Hans .

  11. 然后分析了其传统茶艺消失、茶叶生产减少的原因,并对德昂族和布朗族的茶产业发展进行了比较。

    Then the reason why the traditional tea arts disappeared and the tea-leaves production decreased had been analyzed . The development of tea industry between De ' ang and Bu ' lang groups was compared .

  12. 以接受者需求的角度重新看待德昂族服饰本身,针对后现代在审美上的多元化和个性化的特点,阐释德昂族服饰接受者的创造性的接受过程。

    The perspective of the recipient needs to re-look at De ' ang clothing itself in the post-modern aesthetic for the diversified and personalized features , to explain the recipient De ' ang creative costumes " acceptance " process .

  13. 本文主要以拥有古老的茶农之称的德昂族为对象,研究他们对茶树的管理和利用,以及他们的传统茶文化。

    This paper mainly focuses on the De ' ang ethnic group who was called " old tea-grower " as the target group , aiming at studying their management and application of tea as well as their traditional tea culture .

  14. 现代设计中德昂族服饰元素的应用研究具有促进德昂族服饰艺术延续传承、走向世界的重要意义,同时具有促进德昂族审美经济发展的重要意义。

    De ' ang costumes in modern design elements with the applied research to promote the continuation De ' ang apparel art heritage , the importance of the world , at the same time promoting economic development De ' ang aesthetic significance .

  15. 德昂族虽然还在使用本民族语言,且他们的民族传统文化保留得相对完整,但是他们的文化保存较为分散,具有点上集中、面上分散的特点。

    Although De ' ang ethnic group still use their native language and their ethnic traditional culture has been reserved as a whole , their culture preserves rather scattered and has a characteristic of concentration in spots but scattering on a larger area .

  16. 研究德昂族服饰造型及艺术特点的研究,对研究其他人口较少民族的服饰传承研究具有参考价值,对研究少数民族发展也有一定的现实意义。

    Study fashion design and art De ' ang study of the characteristics of the study less the rest of the population study of ethnic costumes with reference to the value of heritage , the development of research of ethnic minorities also have a certain degree of practical significance .