
  1. 例如,可能只有通过反复的实验、收集证据并在最后推翻一个理论时,婴儿才会接受这样的想法,即其他人可以有不同的观点和愿望,比如妈妈不是小孩,她不喜欢德芙巧克力。

    For example , it may only be through repeated experiments , evidence gathering , and finally overturning a theory , that a baby will come to accept the idea that other people can have different views and desires from what he or she has , for example , unlike the child , Mommy actually doesn 't like Dove chocolate .

  2. 科兰驰菲尔德最喜欢的三种产品:德芙(Dove)无味皂,舒特服,薇霓肌本洗面膏。

    Crutchfield 's three top favorites : Dove Unscented Bar , Cetaphil , and Vanicream Cleanser .

  3. 中国市场目前被玛氏(Mars)旗下品牌德芙(Dove)主导,亿滋计划推出12种妙卡产品,比如,会针对特定节日推出特定版产品。

    The market is dominated by Mars " Dove brand and Mondelez plans to launch 12 different Milka products , with special editions for specific holidays , for instance .

  4. 于是德芙巧克力终于诞生了“DOVE”这四个字母被牢牢的刻在了每一块巧克力上,以此来纪念他和公主那段错过的爱情。

    That 's why the dove chocolate was finally made with " DOVE " carved firmly within every chocolate body . That 's the eternal memorial to the missed love between him and his princess .

  5. 一天一块德芙巧克力,给你工作,休闲,娱乐添活力。

    Dove a day keep you work , rest and play .

  6. 德芙,是中国的著名品牌。

    Dove @ . That 's a well-known brand in China .

  7. 英国默西塞德郡德芙美容产品研究中心的专家们通过一项长达6个月的研究发明了一种“完美洗发”方式。

    Experts have devised a formula for what they believe is the perfect hair wash .

  8. 我的好朋友马克艾达姆斯,格雷戈德萨沃和德芙多兰帮忙助我保持健康;

    My good friends Mark Adams , Greg DeSalvo and Dave Doran helped keep me sane ;

  9. 你将可能发现德芙在客厅里,而且经常散装在那。

    You 'll probably find Dave at the pool hall & he often hangs out there .

  10. 从卡夫到雀巢,从德芙到可口可乐,都为了迎合中国当地口味重新定位产品。

    From Kraft to Nestle and Dove to Coca-Cola , brands have tailored products to suit Chinese tastes .

  11. 喜欢你的头发,就像德芙巧克力般黝黑发亮,宛若夜空。

    Like your hair , like a Dove dark chocolate-like shiny , just like in the night sky .

  12. 德芙,是中国的著名品牌。那时,她会结婚??她,伊芙琳。

    Dove @ . That 's a well-known brand in China . Then she would be married & she , Eveline .

  13. 卡夫食品、上好佳、达能、箭牌糖果、德芙和好丽友加起来占50%市场份额。

    Kraft Foods , LIWAYWAY , DANONE , Wm Wrigley Jr Company , Dove , ORION occupy 50 % of the Chinese snack market together .

  14. 只是想想看,我们大多数人会把有些人一天的预算花在一条的巧克力棒上(一小条德芙巧克力是6.5元左右)!

    Just think , most of us will spend some peoples daily budget on a single chocolate bar ( a small bar of Dove is about 6.5 yuan )!

  15. 目前排名前十位的零食品牌为:旺旺、卡夫食品、上好佳、达能、箭牌糖果、德芙、好丽友、徐福记和嘉士利。

    The top 10 snack brands are Want-want , Kraft Foods , LIWAYWAY , DANONE , Wm Wrigley Jr Company , Dove , ORION , Xufuji and Jiashili .