
  • 网络Religion in Germany;Deutsch religion
  1. 论梅兰希顿与德国宗教改革

    On Philip Melanchthon and the Reformation in Germany

  2. 伊拉斯谟与德国宗教改革

    Erasmus and German Reformation

  3. 在这里,文章将强调出,马克思基于一定的社会现实,通过对当时德国宗教现实的批判,而最后逐步形成了新的世界观。

    The article will emphasize Marx based on a certain social reality , through the criticism of the German religious reality , and gradually formed a new worldview .

  4. 现代德国宗教教育内容更加丰富,主要包括世界观教育、道德观教育和职业观教育。

    The contents of religion education in modern Germany is more diverse than ever before , including religion worldview education , religion ethics education , and religion professionalism education .

  5. 德国宗教教育既是思想政治教育的重要手段,也是思想政治教育的重要内容。在德国思想政治教育的发展进程中,德国宗教教育发挥了群体整合、动力支持、规范导向和教育塑造的关键性作用。

    Religion education has played such crucial functions as masses integration , motivation support , regulation orientation and character fostering in the development process of ethics education in Germany .

  6. 马丁路德是德国宗教改革运动的发轫者,他的宗教思想是他所处时代的产物,具有鲜明的反封建倾向及强烈的为信仰而斗争的特点。

    Martin ruther is the advocator of German religious reform movement , whose religious idea is the fruit of his times with obvious anti-feudal trend and characteristics of struggling for belief .

  7. 本文通过对现代德国宗教教育的内容、方式、途径及特点的考察,重点揭示宗教教育在德国思想政治教育中的重要地位和作用。

    The thesis intends to unveil the important position and function of the religion education in Germany 's ethics education by examining the contents , methods , channels and characteristics of the religion education in modern Germany .

  8. 路德是德国著名的宗教改革家,同时也是一名杰出的人文主义者。

    Luther was a famous religious reformer in Germany , and a prominent humanist , too .

  9. 15世纪时,天主教成为了德国主流的宗教,清教思想也根深蒂固的扎根于此,后很久,复活节彩蛋才与耶稣复活相联系起来。

    However , this association came much later when Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in Germany in the15th century and merged with already ingrained pagan beliefs .

  10. 浅析德国文艺复兴与宗教改革重叠的原因

    Probing into the Mixed - Tangled Causes of the Renaissance and Religion Reformation in German

  11. 海涅与德国哲学&读《论德国宗教与哲学的历史》

    Heine and the Philosophy of Germany - A Critical Reading of Towards the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany ;