
  1. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)行长昨天表示,世界不应该一笔勾销欧元区。昨日数据显示德国出口猛增,突显欧洲的经济韧性。

    The world should not write off the eurozone , the European Central Bank president said yesterday , as a surge in German exports highlighted Europe 's economic resilience .

  2. 中国经济有巨大韧性、潜力和回旋余地。

    China 's economy is highly resilient and has much potential and ample space to grow .

  3. 印度也证明是经济危机期间富有韧性的市场,预计今年需求增长8.9%,明年增长12.1%。

    India had also proved to be a resilient market during the crisis , with demand expected to grow 8.9 per cent this year and 12.1 per cent next year .

  4. 实现亚太经合组织发达经济体和新兴增长中心之间的连接,将提升区域经济增长质量,促进亚太经济繁荣和韧性。

    By connecting APEC 's developed and emerging growth centers , the region 's quality of growth will improve , contributing to the Asia-Pacific 's economic prosperity and resilience .