
  • 网络Italian art
  1. 上海博物馆展出意大利最大的美术馆乌菲至兹的收藏。

    Collections of the Uffizi gallery are on show in Shanghai Museum .

  2. 论文认为法国在借鉴意大利新的美术观念上树立了一个成功的榜样,她不仅吸收了意大利卓越的美学思想,而且在此基础上,结合本国艺术传统,创造出更加灿烂的艺术形式。

    This dissertation put forward that France set a good example in learning from Italian culture and art . Not only France absorbed brilliant Italian aesthetic ideas , but also France integrated this foreign ideas and practice with its own art tradition and on this base created grandeur artistic forms .

  3. 2011年,意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆(UffiziGallery)利用普拉多博物馆的三维制画法也举办了一个展览,不过规模更小,展品是其馆藏之一、波提切(Botticelli)《维纳斯的诞生》(TheBirthofVenus)的缩小版副本。

    In 2011 , the Uffizi Gallery in Florence , Italy , exhibited a more modest version of the Prado 's 3-D method , a downsized copy of one of its masterworks , " The Birth of Venus " by Botticelli .

  4. 大多数人一谈起意大利就联想到美术和美食。

    Most people identify Italy with fine art and great food .

  5. 这场窃案之谜直至四年后才得以解开,窃贼和意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆馆长取得了联系并且索要一笔赎金。这幅画被追回了。

    The theft remained a mystery for four years until the thief contacted the Director of the famous Uffizi Gallery in Florence , Italy , and tried to get a ransom for the painting .

  6. 两年后,这桩广为人知的盗窃事件终于告破。当时,卢浮宫的意大利维修工温琴佐·佩鲁贾(VincenzoPeruggia)试图将这幅画卖给位于意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆(UffiziGallery),随即被捕。

    The widely publicized theft remained unsolved for two years until Vincenzo Peruggia , an Italian maintenance worker at the Louvre , was apprehended after trying to sell the painting to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence , Italy .

  7. 论文其中一部分评述了意大利艺术新观念对卢瓦尔河地区和巴黎地区的城堡建筑风格的影响;另一部分探讨了意大利美术新观念对法国那时兴起的普罗旺斯画派、卢瓦尔画派和枫丹白露画派的影响。

    Part of the dissertation comments on the influence of Italian artistic new idea on the construction and decoration of chateaux in Loire and Paris . The rest part discusses the influence of Italian Renaissance art on the artistic Schools of Provence , Loire and Fontainebleau .