
  1. 可他技艺虽敏捷,远不如猫儿童心不灭。

    Quick as he in feats of art , far beyond in joy of heart .

  2. 要想制服自己的心,灭除一切烦恼,只看一两本书,修行很短的时间,是远远不够的。

    In order to tame our mind and get rid of all afflictive emotions , it is far from enough just to read a couple of books or practice for a very short time .

  3. 热切的复仇心、不灭的憎恨,

    the unconquerable will , And study of revenge , immortal hate ,

  4. 而创造型思维是来自于不间断地留意心念的起灭,和留意心念自立的阻碍,并突破。

    And creativeness comes into being when there is a constant awareness of the ways of the mind , and of the hindrance it has build for itself .