
  • 网络Resilience;resiliency;Psychological resilience;Mental Elasticity
  1. 患者的心理弹性、心理健康水平、人格特征和应对方式能预测PTSD的发生。

    The patients ' resilience , mental health level , the personality characteristics and coping style could predict PTSD .

  2. 贫困大学生心理弹性支持系统的构建

    Construction of Mental Resilience Support System among Financially Disadvantaged College Students

  3. 心理弹性(resiliency)日益为人们所关注,已经成为心理学的一个重要研究领域。

    Resiliency , which gains the growing concern from people , has become an important research field of psychology .

  4. 心理弹性结构及其要素分析

    The Elastic Structure of Psychology and an Analysis of Its Elements

  5. 消极生活事件的家庭经济和心理弹性、生活满意度均显著负相关。

    Life satisfaction and negative life events had no significant correlation .

  6. 近年来,心理弹性也逐渐成为积极心理学的研究热点。

    Resilience has become a hot spot of positive psychology recently .

  7. 气质和父母教养方式对心理弹性具有显著的预测作用。

    Both temperament and parenting style are outstanding predictors for resiliency .

  8. 心理弹性在生活事件和心理健康间起调节作用。

    Resiliency has a moderating effect between life event and mental health .

  9. 外来工子女初中生心理弹性的结构及其相关影响因素研究

    The Resilience Structure and Its Related Elements of Children of Floating Population

  10. 流动儿童心理弹性研究&现状及启示

    Research on the Floating Children 's Resilience : Status Quo and Enlightenment

  11. 6:异文化压力与心理弹性存在显著的负相关。

    Acculturative stress was in significant negative correlation with resiliency . 7 .

  12. 心理弹性状况能较好地预测妇科癌症患者个体的心理健康水平。

    Resilience could well predict mental health level of gynecological cancer patients .

  13. 心理弹性与心理健康存在显著的正相关。

    Resiliency was in significant positive correlation with mental health . 8 .

  14. 基于社会认知的儿童心理弹性研究

    A Study of Resilience in Children : From the Viewpoint of Social Cognition

  15. 心理弹性理论及其对幼儿教育的启示

    The Resilience Theory and the Education Enlightenment to Children

  16. 心理弹性是在心理学上有关应对压力的相关研究下发展而来的。

    The concept of resilience is developed based on researches of coping stresses .

  17. 大学生的精神性及其与心理弹性的关系

    Spirituality of College Students and Its Connection with Resilience

  18. 人格特征、社会支持对留守儿童心理弹性的影响

    The Impact of Personality characteristics and Social Support on Resilience of left-behind Children

  19. 一般自我效能感训练对农村留守初中生心理弹性的影响

    Research on Self-efficacy Group Counseling Affecting the Resilience of Junior Middle School 's Left-home-kids

  20. 高心理弹性个体更多地感受到积极情绪,更少感受到消极情绪;低心理弹性个体则相反。

    Individuals with high resilience feel more positive emotions and less negative emotion felt .

  21. 异文化压力负向预测心理弹性、心理健康。

    Acculturative stress was the negative predictor of resiliency and mental health . 9 .

  22. 10.心理弹性在异文化压力和心理健康中间起部分中介作用。

    The resiliency plays a partly mediating role between acculturative stress and mental health .

  23. 努力归因在心理弹性和消极情绪变化之间起着完全中介作用。

    Attribution of effort play an intermediary role between resilience and vary of negative emotions .

  24. 中庸实践思维对心理弹性和社会适应都有积极的影响。

    Zhong-yong practical thinking style had a positive impact on individual resilience and social adaptation .

  25. 高考复读生心理弹性及其与学习动机的关系

    The Resilience of Returnees from Senior High School Graduates and Its Relationship with Learning Motivation

  26. 生活事件可以预测心理弹性和情绪,心理弹性可以预测情绪。

    ( 5 ) Life events could predict resilience and emotion , resilience could predict emotion .

  27. 采用相关分析、回归分析对高考复读生心理弹性及学习动机的关系进行了研究。

    The relationship between resilience and learning motivation was explored by relation analysis and regression analysis .

  28. 结论:外来工子女心理弹性的两维8因子模型的结构合理,其量表具有良好的信度和效度。

    Conclusion : the structure of the resiliency scale is constructed rationally and has good reliability and validity .

  29. 第四,各保护性因素对孤独症儿童家长心理弹性的贡献率不同。

    Fourth , the protective factors had different contribution rate on the resilience of guardians of children with autism .

  30. 心理弹性是指心理发展未受到严重压力或逆境损害性影响的一种发展现象。

    Resilience is a developmental phenomenon of psychology which is not impacted by severe damage of pressure or adversity .