
sī wéi xínɡ
  • Thinking type;thinker type
  1. 在条件A之下,会产生哪些、什么样的结果B的问题,就是发散思维型的问题。

    The problem " Under condition A , how many results B and what kind of result B can be produced ?" is just the problem of diverging thought pattern .

  2. 外向型和判断型的学生在选择专业时容易受老师影响,而直觉型和思维型的学生则更喜欢自己选择专业。

    Extraverted and judging students were more influenced by teachers in their ways of choosing a major .

  3. 思维型人格思考型人格

    Thinking type of personality

  4. 但是在内向型、知觉型、思维型、判断型和感知型的学生中却不存在这种性别差异。

    However , gender difference did not exist among introverted , sensing , thinking , judging and perceiving students .

  5. 以上两点对应用程序开发导入人工智能,使应用软件由单纯科学计算型过渡到具有人类智能思维型;

    It is shown that the artificial-intelligent has been introduced into the application program development instead of merely scientific calculating .

  6. 文章将思维型课堂教学模式具体应用于思想品德课的各个环节。

    In this chapter ," Thinking Type of Classroom Teaching " is applied to every link of the ideological and moral course .

  7. 针对高中英语教学的要求,提出了四种英语作业类型:知识巩固型,技能训练型,培养思维型,实践应用型。

    Four types of English assignment based on high school English course requirement are presented : knowledge-oriented assignment , skill-development-oriented assignment , thinking-cultivation-oriented assignment and application-oriented assignment .

  8. 教学变革的关键就是转变教师的教学行为和学生的学习方式,合理开发和利用课程资源,进而创建一种新型的课堂教学文化模式&思维型教学文化。

    The key link of classroom teaching reform lies in the change of teachers ' ways of teaching and students ' ways of learning so as to rationally develop and utilize the curriculum resources and create a new type of culture of classroom teaching-thinking-based teaching culture .

  9. 思维策略型的问题情境,将产生求异式的探究学习;

    Thought strategy style leads to research study of seeking difference .

  10. 思想开放、人格独立、平等观念、视野开阔、信念坚定、勇于尝试是思维创新型教师必备的基本素养。

    Open-minded , independent personality , the concept of equality , vision and firm conviction , the courage to try innovative thinking teachers ' basic literacy .

  11. 传统桌面任务是思维密集型的活动,而移动任务是交互密集型的活动,移动任务的交互方式应打破传统转而向更加细粒度的模式发展。

    Different from traditional desktop tasks are mostly thinking-intensive activities , the mobile tasks are interaction-intensive activities , and the interaction of the mobile task should be to break the traditional turned to a more fine-grained pattern of development .

  12. 遵循逻辑思维分析主从型JK触发器的方法

    The Way of Analyzing JK Trigger Following Logical Thought

  13. 创新思维是创新型QC小组的重要特征,创新思维方法是创新思维的关键环节。

    The thought of innovation is one important characteristic of innovation type the QC group , creative thought method is a key link to thought of innovation .

  14. 信息化社会呼唤具有较强的问题解决能力和高级思维的创新型人才。

    Informatization society needs the creative human resource , which have the problem-solving ability and advanced thinking .

  15. 现代设计教育思想的主旨在于培养具有现代设计意识,现代科学技术头脑和现代思维的创造型的设计人才。

    Modern Designing aims at cultivating creative designing professionals who are equipped with modern-designing ideas as well as modern scientific technical thoughts .

  16. 21世纪的激烈竞争呼唤创造性思维和创新型人才的涌现,加强对高职学生创新精神和创新能力的培养已经成为时代教育的必然要求。

    It is inevitable demands to strengthen the cultivation of innovative spirit and ability for higher vocational students with the fierce competition in 21st century .

  17. 面对新时代的发展需求,环境艺术设计教育同样需要培养具有现代设计意识、现代科学技术头脑和现代思维的创造型设计人才。

    Faced with the requirement of the new era , environmental art design education needs to cultivate talents with modern design awareness , modern scientific and technological mentality , and modern thinking model .

  18. 较之内向、直觉、情感和知觉型的员工,外向、感觉、思维和判断型的员工倾向于有更高的工作满意度、组织承诺度和更低的离职意图。

    Compared with those of introversion , intuition , feeling and perceiving type , employees of extraversion , sensing , thinking and judging type have higher job satisfaction , organizational commitment and lower turnover intention .

  19. 实践哲学突破了传统哲学对哲学基本问题的狭隘理解,提出理性思维有认知型和筹划型两种思维方式。

    Philosophy of Practice broke through the parochial understanding of traditional philosophy on the fundamental problem of philosophy and put forward that rational thinking had two modes , namely ," Type of Cognition " Thinking Mode and " Type of Plan and Prepare " Thinking Mode .

  20. 技术哲学必须以理性思维的筹划型思维方式为切入点,才能找到技术理性研究正确的哲学路径。只有这样才能使技术哲学研究真正地从边缘走向内核。

    Only when " Type of Plan and Prepare " Thinking Mode was drawn upon could technological philosophy find the right philosophical path in the research on technological rationality , and only in this way could the research on technological philosophy approach the core from the periphery .

  21. 产业转型要由传统的资源导向型的思维向市场导向型思维转变;

    The industrial transformation demands traditional resources-leading thought to be a market one ;

  22. 但是当教育家们将孩子的思维转变为成长型思维模式时,教育平等实现了。

    But when educators create growth mindset classrooms steeped in yet , equality happens .

  23. 从事创造性智力思维活动的知识型员工,将逐步取代工业经济时代的产业工人,成为支配和决定企业命运的主导群体。

    And personnel of productive thinking will gradually substitute for industrial workers and become the leading group to determine the destiny of an enterprise .

  24. 此外,中国人的思维模式是曲线型的,而西方人的思维模式是直线型的,这也导致了语篇模式的差异。

    In addition , thinking mode of the Chinese is a curve model , and the thinking mode of Hesperian is linear model , this also caused the difference of discourse mode .

  25. 在组织方面打破金字塔的组织结构,克服矩阵组织结构的平面性,创建具有主动思维能力的大脑型组织,确保柔性激励机制能有效地应用于国有企业;

    Breaking the institutional Pyramid-liked framework in organization , overcoming the plane quality of matrix framework , establishing the brain-liked organization that is able to think forwardly , these measures guarantee that flexible motivational mechanism is able to be applied in state-owned enterprises .

  26. 汉语思维模式呈开放螺旋型,而英语思维模式呈直线型。

    Chinese thinking pattern is characterized by circular type , and English thinking pattern is characterized by linear type .

  27. 创新型体育人才之培养需要创造性思维,创造思维是创新型体育人才的必备条件,良好的创造个性有利于发展学生的创造思维。

    To have creative mind is essential for innovative sports talent . Creative personality is good for forming creative mind .

  28. 本文主要探讨课堂教学特别是数学教学如何培养学生的创新精神和创造性思维能力。培育创造思维造就创新型体育人才

    The topic deals with how to foster the creative mind and ability of students . To develop creative mind and to train innovative sports talents

  29. 知识的学习、能力的培养都与思维有关,而创造性思维对培养创新型人才的培养起着至关重要的作用。

    The learning of knowledge and training of ability have something to do with the thinking , while the creative thinking is very important to the training of enterprising talents .

  30. 从思维实验的类型上,它可分为批判型思维实验、变革型思维实验和综合型思维实验三种类型。

    As for the types of thought experiment , there are three types : critical mode , revolution mode and comprehensive mode .