
  • 网络cheng siwei
  1. 我们中国人最大的不幸就是居安不能思危!

    Our greatest misfortune is that the Chinese people can not think of Jyu-Wei !

  2. 但是他的这种为国思危,为民请战的精神值得军人学习。

    But he 's such a perilous for the country , the spirit of the people Qingzhan soldiers should learn from .

  3. 《归田赋》渗透着老庄自然无为的思想,憧憬回归自然的美好生活。《相风赋》以相风自省,告诫自己居高思危,忠正修身。

    The " with the wind Fu " permeated with taoist ideas of natural Inaction , Longed the better life back to nature .

  4. 中国传统忧患意识使人们意识到:无论是对于国家,还是个人,都要时刻保持头脑清醒,要居安而不忘思危,不论做什么事情都要不骄不躁、沉着冷静。

    Worrying mentality makes people be aware of whether it is for the country , or an individual , we must always keep a clear head , not forgetting to think of danger .