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  1. 这不但让希特勒愤懑不平开始集结人马,也使得德国拥有足够的力量来发起战争。

    It left them annoyed . This left Hitler just enough resentment to amass a following and left Germany with enough force left to cause serious trouble .

  2. 自1945年以来,欧洲一体化的核心思想就是,绝不再孤立德国这个位于欧洲中心、实力强大而愤懑不平的国家。

    Since 1945 , the central idea of the European project was never again to leave a powerful and aggrieved Germany isolated at the centre of Europe .

  3. 虽然伊拉克战争形势好转,但是布什总统在那里开新闻发布会时发现,许多伊拉克人仍然愤懑不平。

    And if that weren 't enough , though the Iraq war is going better , many Iraqis still smolder as Bush found out during a year and a news conference there .

  4. 揭露无伤大雅的谎言、牛皮和言行失检,这些通常用于政治攻击的小伎俩现在也开始出现在企业界,愤懑不平的维权股东开始使用这些手段来达到改变公司管理层的目的。

    Exposing fibs , exaggerations and indiscretions routinely used to undercut or derail political careers is migrating to the corporate world as a new tactic for unhappy shareholder activists to win changes they seek in the executive suite .