
  • 网络Angry youth;angry young man;young cynic
  1. 但业界同行表示,这位英国传媒的“愤青”自那时起已成熟了许多。

    Industry peers say the angry young man of British media has since mellowed considerably .

  2. 保守党人志得意满的年代,也是愤青的年代。

    Tory complacency but also angry young men .

  3. 我那时是个目空一切、自以为是的小学术愤青。

    I was a thorough little academic snob

  4. 愤青们可能没有想过,这个孩子的父亲呢?

    Fenqing who may not have thought that the father does ?

  5. 想知道我为什么这么愤青么?

    Want to know why I regard it as such .

  6. 你的学校里一定有不少愤青吧。

    You must have a lot of angry kids at this school .

  7. 有个同事是愤青,会不露痕迹地打击在会上发言的所有人;

    the malcontent who subtly belittled anyone who spoke up in a meeting ;

  8. 作为愤青一族,其观点通常多种多样。

    As a group , " fenqing " are very diverse in their opinions .

  9. 这一切都是姐夫愤青和自私的表现。

    It 's all cynical and self-centered .

  10. 在他年轻的生命里,这个愤青只干成了一件事。

    In his short life this young Turk has been very successful at one thing .

  11. 我要是不加上这句话又有人该说我是愤青了。

    If I do not impose this sentence someone should say I am anger blueness .

  12. 或许我的愤青精神用错了地方。

    Perhaps my cynicism is misplaced .

  13. 他诋毁道“只有愤青才认为四十岁是行尸走肉”。

    He decried " the cynical youth who looks upon forty as a living death " .

  14. 第二课:明确你的资质,太多的信息会对你很不利(就是弄明白自己几斤几两,愤青是要付出代价的)

    Lesson two : Be specific with your qualifications , but too much information can work against you .

  15. 你说的是我比一群书呆子和恋家的愤青更容易赢吗?

    You 're saying I 'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual , homesick malcontents ?

  16. 也许在部分的人眼里看来愤青只是种精神发泄,并得不到什么实质性的作用!

    Perhaps looks like in the part person eye indignant blue is only a spirit gives vent , and cannot obtain any substantive function !

  17. 第三阶段开始时,我意识到我不必写些愤青的诗,如果这表达的不是真的我。

    And step three began when I realized I didn 't have to write indignant poems , if that 's not what I was .

  18. 不再年少,不敢轻狂,即使依然愤青也绝不敢冲破世俗的羁绊;

    No longer young , does not dare frivolous , even if still indignant blue does not dare to break through the common custom the fetters ;

  19. 三轮,你觉得你算“愤青”吗?为什么做一个格格不入的人(没有不好,只是态度和“常”人不同),现实中呢,也是这样吗。

    If you change your opinion just because you'v got a bad impression in someone 's mind , So what is the meaning of your being .

  20. 也是因为那些没有大脑的愤青们除了叫骂泻火之外,还有性快餐的冲动需求。

    Because those who do not have the brain Fenqing Xiehuo In addition to shout curses , there is the impulse to the demand of fast food .

  21. 在新的一年里它们将结合起来,在政治目的的驱动下直接对网络基础设施展开攻击,而不再是愤青们的盲目行为。

    In 2016 we will see them converge , with a direct attack on the Internet infrastructure motivated by politics , not greed or misplaced juvenile aggression .

  22. 不管能否打赢伊拉克战争,很难想象,将来美国政府考虑换人的时候会考虑这些烈性愤青式的人物。

    Regardless of whether Iraq was ever winnable , it is hard to imagine any future American administrations making such schoolboy howlers when it comes to regime change .

  23. 假如你是愤青,看了我的文字十分不爽,随便地胡噙跟帖,老子是不会理会你的。

    If you are Fenqing , I read the text is in a bad mood , not to hold in mouth Hu thread , Lao will not bother you .

  24. 千禧一代是否是被宠坏的愤青,如此习惯于过度的赞美,以至于他们在入职第一天就期望得到高工资和出人头地的工作?

    Are millennials simply entitled whingers , so used to a lifetime of excessive praise that they expect high pay and high-profile work from their first day in the office ?

  25. 幸好我们的品味不是那么高,我们也不爱装深沉,说出的话自然和大多文艺愤青类不同了。

    Fortunately our savouring is not so tall , we also do not love to install dark , the word nature that speak and blueness of mostly literary anger kind different .

  26. 有时偶然在街头看到头染黄毛的愤青,带着花花绿绿的头巾,仿佛这世界一下子又颠倒过来。

    Sometimes accidentally in the street corner looked that to the end dyes Huang Mao indignant blue , is bringing the colorful kerchief , is similar this world to invert all of a sudden .

  27. 我们被告知不能将竞选汇成愤青的合唱,这只能让他们变得越来越喧闹和冲突,我们被要求停下来接受现实的检讨,以避免向国家的公民提供一种错误的希望。

    We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics * they will only grow louder and more dissonant * We 've been asked to pause for a reality check .