
xīn shèn bù jiāo
  • heart-kidney imbalance;breakdown of the normal physiological coordination between the heart and the kidney;imbalance between heart-yang and kidney-yin
心肾不交[xīn shèn bù jiāo]
  1. 穴位贴药治疗心肾不交型不寐42例

    Acupoint Application for Insomnia of Heart - Kidney Disharmony in 42 Cases

  2. 针刺督脉经腧穴为主治疗心肾不交型失眠症的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Insomnia Due to Kidney / Heart Disharmony Treated by Needling Governor Vessel Points

  3. 双籽耳压治疗心肾不交型不寐症疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Auricular Point Double-seed Plaster Therapy in Treating Refractory Severe Insomnia of Heart-kidney Disharmony Type

  4. 老年性忧郁症主要为老年肾气不足后,内伤七情,气血不和,或脏腑受损,阴阳失调所致,多表现为肾虚肝郁、肝肾阴虚、脾肾两虚、心肾不交等一系列脏腑病证。

    Elderly depression syndrome is caused by kidney deficiency and liver depression , liver-kidney yin-deficiency , spleen-kidney insufficiency , and kidney-heart disharmony .

  5. 肾阴虚、心肾不交、阴虚火旺型是绝经前后诸证的最常见证型。

    Kidney yin deficiency , heart and kidney do not pay , asthenic yin causing excessive pyrexia were the common menopause witness various card types .

  6. 直接心肾不交分为心肾两不相交、心不交肾和肾不交心。

    Direct heart kidney is not handed in divided into two disjoint , heart kidney , the heart is not in kidney and kidney to heart .

  7. 结果心肾不交型多见红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血小板降低,尿蛋白增高,左房增大,心动过速;

    Results For most cardionephric disharmony type : the sum of RBC , WBC , HGB , PLT decreased , Urine protein increased , left chamber enlargement , tachycardia ;

  8. 湿热内蕴、脾肾两虚、气滞血瘀、脾肺气虚、肾阴亏虚、心肾不交及脾虚证等7种证型占证型总数的30.92%。

    In addition , other 7 syndromes accounted for 30.92 % , they were endoretention of damp heat , asthenia of both spleen and kidney , qi-stagnancy and blood stasis , deficiency of both the splenic and pulmonary Qi , deficiency of kidney-Yin , cardionephric disharmony and splenasthenic syndrome .

  9. 目的:观察益肾宁心针法治疗心肾不交型绝经前后诸证的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of tonifiy the kidney and tranquilize the mind acupuncture treatment on disharmony between heart and kidney of the Menopausal disorders .

  10. 目的:观察敛心颗粒治疗冠心病室性过早搏动(心肾不交证)的临床疗效和安全性。

    Objective To study the efficiency and safety of Lianxin granula for the treatment of ventricular premature in patients ( pts ) with coronary heart disease .